Architects research, plan, administer and design building projects for clients. Being an architect is complex, as you must take building codes, building materials and construction into consideration. The entire job description is based on planning, and good planning prepares you for potential mistakes and vulnerabilities. Architects must plan for emergencies or accidents in buildings no matter how unlikely, so plan for any unlikely errors in your practice as well. Consider insurance policies to protect your firm from financial loss caused by error, accidents and crime.

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Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, provides funding for costs associated with your mistakes. While mistakes happen, they also have consequences – many of which can be quite costly. If you make a mistake or fail to deliver what you have promised (i.e. the building,) you could be left with a large legal bill to foot. Having professional liability insurance does not protect you from making those mistakes or from having unhappy clients, but it can allow you to conserve your earnings.


General Liability Insurance for Architects

Anyone who owns their own business with a brick-and-mortar location should obtain general liability insurance. The difference between professional liability and general liability policies is that general liability claims are ones made about third-party bodily harm or property damage, as opposed to financial damages due to an error in your work. General liability insurance covers costs associated with accidents like slips and falls of both clients and/or employees. These accidents could happen at your office or on in some cases the property of the project you are currently managing.


General Liability Insurance

Anyone who owns their own business with a brick-and-mortar location should obtain general liability insurance. The difference between professional liability and general liability policies is that general liability claims are ones made about third-party bodily harm or property damage, as opposed to financial damages due to an error in your work. General liability insurance covers costs associated with accidents like slips and falls of both clients and/or employees. These accidents could happen at your office or on in some cases the property of the project you are currently managing.


Fraud and Crime Insurance

Fraud and crime insurance provide you with funds in the case of information being stolen. With funds from your policy, you can effectively and successfully defend yourself and your customers from jealous opposition, as well as malicious attackers. Crime insurance also covers losses that resulted from internal fraud and theft. Whether it is stealing or more conniving than that, rest easy knowing that you have coverage from unexpected financial or non-financial loss.

Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance can help protect your files from being corrupted due to a cyber-attack. These cyber-attacks can result in great financial loss, which is where cyber insurance steps in. Regardless of if the information stolen is of great value or not, coverage can range from investigation costs to software damage costs, and even third-party lawsuits. The proper insurance policy can help cover all costs associated.

Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance can help protect your files from being corrupted due to a cyber-attack. These cyber-attacks can result in great financial loss, which is where cyber insurance steps in. Regardless of if the information stolen is of great value or not, coverage can range from investigation costs to software damage costs, and even third-party lawsuits. The proper insurance policy can help cover all costs associated.

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