Most people need home and auto insurance at some point in their lives. As a result, bundling your policy will make lot of sense in most situations. This will not only make things easier, but you will also enjoy significant savings, as insurance companies often provide discounts when customers choose to have all their policies with one single provider. Our advisors here at isure will discuss the benefits of insurance bundling and what you can expect regarding savings.
What is insurance bundling?
This refers to having different policies with one insurance provider. You can experience significant savings when you choose to bundle different policies, and while home and auto insurance policies are most often bundled, condo owners and renters may also be eligible for savings when they bundle their home and auto insurance coverage.
In addition to home and auto bundles, you can bundle the following insurance policies:
- Condo and auto: If you own a car and have condo insurance, you can bundle the two to save money.
- Tenant and auto: Renters are eligible for savings through bundling when each policy is held with a single provider. Bundling is not limited to property owners or multiple vehicle households, and renters can experience savings, too.
- Auto and auto: If your household has more than one vehicle, you can bundle each policy, and this option will allow you to pay less overall.
Why bundle your home and auto insurance policies?
Besides convenience, the main reason to bundle insurance is the savings. You will spend less, which means more of your hard-earned money will remain in your pocket. Additionally, bundling will provide you with other benefits, as well as including having to deal with only one insurance company. You can combine your bills and payment statements, align your renewal periods, have a single deductible, and easily identify any coverage gaps.
3 things to consider before you bundle your home and auto insurance
Decide on the coverage type and amount
Tailor your coverage to your needs to save on insurance costs. You should only pay for what you need, and knowing the coverage type that is best for your situation is a great way to ensure you are not paying for unnecessary coverage. Make sure you are clear on the different policy types available to you and determine if it makes financial sense to add additional coverage.
Look at different insurance companies
Comparing information is a great way to ensure you are getting the lowest insurance cost. We will help you do this and will present you with different coverage options. We’re happy to provide you with quotes and will discuss which premiums are best for your needs and budget.
Revisit your coverage annually
It’s natural for your coverage needs to change because of life circumstances. You’ll have the choice to change your policy every year when it is up for renewal.
Types of Bundling
Bundling insurance policies isn’t only for where you live (house, condo, apartment) and your car.
You can also bundle the following:
Car + Car
Home + Car
Car + Home + Motorcycle
Any More….
Picking the right policy for your needs
At isure, we have access to many different insurance companies across Ontario. Your dedicated insurance broker can find you the best policy and package that will suit your home and auto insurance needs.
Insurance companies will offer different packages and discounts, which can be very time consuming if you look for a bundle by yourself. With isure by your side, we go through all of our isure-approved insurers to find the best bundles available at the lowest rates.
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The more you bundle, the more you save!
ABout bundled insurance
What is bundled insurance?
When you bundle your insurance, you will have multiple insurance policies with the same company. A typical bundle will combine home and auto insurance, but you can also bundle other vehicles and buildings, like your motorcycle with your RV or cottage. Some limitations may apply. Speak to an isure broker to get your best bundle options.
What are the Advantages of bundling your insurance?
There are so many advantages to bundling your insurance, such as:
- Receive a better discount. You will pay less on all protection that you add to your policy.
- Deal with one insurance company. Knowing who to call with questions, concerns, or if you need to file a claim, is reassuring.
- Combine your bills and payment statements. Make one easy payment. You’ll get one package in the mail and one payment schedule for both premiums.
- You can have a single deductible.
- You can more easily identify any coverage gaps.
- Bundle your policies, even with different renewal dates. You can add your second policy in advance of the renewal date and lock in the quoted premium.
Why should I bundle my insurance?
1. When you bundle your insurance coverage, you will, Most times, you will receive a discount!
2. Your policy may be under one bill, which can be convenient for payment.
3. You only have to deal with one company if you need to make a claim – bonus!
What type of discounts can I receive if I bundle?
You can save more money if you bundle multiple insurance policies with the same insurance company. For instance, if you’re already purchasing auto insurance, you can get extra protection and save money with home or renters insurance, or even cottage insurance. Contact your local isure broker today to learn about ways you can bundle and save.
What is the difference between dual, multi-policy and multi-vehicle discounts?
The type of insurance discount(s) you receive depends on your combination of policies. Dual\Multi-line\Combined policy discounts apply when two different lines of business are bound with the same company (typically home and auto.)
Multi-vehicle discounts apply when there are two or more vehicles on the same policy OR if there are two auto policies in the same household (even if there are differently-named insureds) with the same company. Depending on the insurer rules, each auto policy could qualify for a multi-vehicle discount and this would not be considered a multi-line percentage. Multi-vehicle discounts are usually capped at 10%, but you must speak with an isure broker today to understand the rules of each company.
Request a property quote, even if you do not own a property!
Remember, It doesn’t hurt to get a quote; you have nothing to lose and money to gain!
How much can I save by bundling my home and auto insurance?
If you are wondering what type of savings you can enjoy by bundling your home and auto insurance premiums, let’s take a look at what they cost separately. The average cost of car insurance in Ontario is $763 per year for minimum coverage, and $2,098 for full car insurance. Therefore, this makes the average auto insurance cost in Ontario $1,634 per year. Most drivers pay in the range of $1,300 to $1,800, annually. Rates vary depending on your location, the type of vehicle you drive, driving history, and many other factors.
The average Ontario home insurance costs come in at approximately $1250 per year. However, depending on your home value and location, you can expect to pay anywhere from $700 to $2,000 (or more) annually for house insurance. How much you can save depends on your insurance provider. Other factors that will help determine your savings are the types of insurance you have, policy limits, add-ons or endorsements, claims history, and more. The more types of coverage you combine, the less you will pay. Cost savings vary based on the insurance product.
By bundling your home and auto insurance premiums, in some cases, you can see a 20% savings. Therefore, by combining the average auto and home insurance premiums together and applying the 20% discount, you can see savings of around $576.80 annually!
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