Most businesses use computers to send, receive or store electronic data, and this type of information can be unbelievably valuable and important. Everything from tax records, sales projections, and contingency plans can be included in these documents, so if such information were to be lost or stolen due to a security breach, it would be difficult (and costly) to restore.

Cyber Liability Insurance  

A data breach can be especially problematic if it involves personally identifiable information, like social security numbers, health records and credit card numbers. This can result in lawsuits and several headaches for a business. The good news is that businesses can protect themselves against the costs associated with data breaches through a cyber liability policy. The purchase of this type of insurance would provide you with peace of mind – let us tell you how. 

Cyber liability insurance would help cover financial losses that result from data breaches or other cyber events, and most of these policies include both first-party and third-party coverages. Cyber policies can provide a range of coverages, and some of these are automatically included while others are optional.  


A cyber liability policy can include several coverages, including data restoration, loss of income and extra expenses, cyber extortion, and crisis management. Data restoration covers the cost of replacing or restoring electronic data, programs, or software damaged or destroyed by a hacker attack or virus. Loss of income and extra expenses would cover income losses sustained by a business and any additional expenses it faces to restore its operations after a shutdown caused by a computer virus or hacker attack.  

Many cyber policies also offer some form of coverage for crisis management expenses, including the cost of hiring an attorney, computer expert, or forensic accountant. These professionals will be able to assess the extent of the damage, and your policy will help pay for their services. 


This type of insurance coverage is new and is continually evolving, so you must speak with your isure broker to provide you with all the details associated with the policy you want. All business owners must be aware of the threats their organization may face and the possibility of legal action that could be taken as a result. This is especially true as most organizations complete all their activities electronically, so their data is extremely valuable, and breaches can and should be avoided where possible. However, the risk is always there, which can compromise all your records. This can then cost your company millions of dollars, which is why cyber insurance is so important. 

The cyber insurance brokers at isure can provide you with more information. If you have any questions or are interested in this type of coverage, contact us today!  



Home Insuranceinews
electrical damage - On fire multi-socket with the connected power strip with a bunch of plugs on wood background
Electrical Damage: Is it Covered by Your Policy?

Electrical Damage: Is it Covered by Your Policy?

Most home insurance policies in Ontario may cover electrical damage, but only to a certain extent. Each policy and provider is different. However, there are some instances in which electrical damage would be covered. So, in this article, let’s break down the cases in which home insurance would cover electrical damage.