Business consultants offer advice and counselling on a specific topic to the company that hired them. A consultant’s job is to analyze the company strategy from an outside perspective, analyze where the business is failing and how to implement the right changes. Some consultants work on their own, and others work as a part of a firm. Regardless of if you work independently or as a piece of a larger unit, there are risks that need to be managed. Some risks cannot be avoided, only managed. The best way to manage unavoidable risks is with business consultant’s insurance.

Professional Liability Insurance for Business Consultants

In the world of consulting, you know that not every business you advise will survive. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t try a number of things to save them. Unfortunately, despite your best efforts, the company may fail for any number of reasons. What you then may be left to deal with is a legal lawsuit suing you for so-called “bad advice.” Instead of paying legal defense or settlement costs out-of-pocket, these fees could be covered when you have professional liability insurance.

Commercial General Liability for Business Consultants

Commercial general liability insurance protects your business from slip and fall accidents, claims of false advertising, property damage and defamation. If a client accidentally trips on an uneven floor while visiting your building, you could be looking at some unexpected lawsuit costs. Personal injury lawsuits can take a huge chunk of money from businesses without CGL insurance. Speak to an isure broker about what your CGL policy should cover.

Commercial General Liability

Commercial general liability insurance protects your business from slip and fall accidents, claims of false advertising, property damage and defamation. If a client accidentally trips on an uneven floor while visiting your building, you could be looking at some unexpected lawsuit costs. Personal injury lawsuits can take a huge chunk of money from businesses without CGL insurance. Speak to an isure broker about what your CGL policy should cover.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Travel to and from various consulting locations is not deemed “personal” by insurance companies. For that reason, if you get into an accident while travelling for work, you could wind up paying for damages out-of-pocket. Protect yourself, your vehicle and your business with commercial auto insurance.

Cyber Liability Insurance

Working with so many different businesses, consultants and consulting firms are a huge target for cybercrimes. Nothing is worse than waking up and realizing you were a victim of some type of cybercrime. Not only do you now have to disclose to clients that someone has stolen their personal business data, but you are left to clean up the mess all on your own. That is, unless you have cyber liability insurance. Rely on your cyber liability insurance policy for funds to replace damaged hardware, software or fund a formal investigation.

To learn about all the options available to your consulting firm, speak to an isure broker today and learn more about what we can offer!

Cyber Liability Insurance

Working with so many different businesses, consultants and consulting firms are a huge target for cybercrimes. Nothing is worse than waking up and realizing you were a victim of some type of cybercrime. Not only do you now have to disclose to clients that someone has stolen their personal business data, but you are left to clean up the mess all on your own. That is, unless you have cyber liability insurance. Rely on your cyber liability insurance policy for funds to replace damaged hardware, software or fund a formal investigation.

To learn about all the options available to your consulting firm, speak to an isure broker today and learn more about what we can offer!