Caregivers provide an essential service to those who are unable to care for themselves. As a caregiver, sometimes mistakes happen even when you take the most care and consideration. You cannot always avoid car crashes or unexpected slips/falls that happen within the home. For situations like this, having insurance coverage can save you thousands of dollars in unanticipated fees. Whether you work on your own or for a registered business, check out the following types of insurance and make sure you are protected from all angles.

Caregiver insurance

General Liability Insurance

Say you are in a patient’s home and while attending to them, you accidentally knock over an expensive vase. If you have general liability insurance, the entire or at least some of the costs will be covered by your provider. General liability insurance can also cover slip and fall accidents, as well as some libel and slander lawsuits. General Liability covers incidents that cannot be avoided no matter how hard you try. And while you may not have any problems for a while, it is better to make sure that you are covered than to one day be faced with a much bigger issue unaided. General liability costs can cover a number of fees, including attorney fees, settlements, and funeral fees.

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance is a great coverage to get if you work for yourself. This kind of coverage protects you from actions where preventative mistakes were made. For example, if you failed to make sure your patient puts their seatbelt on or leave a patient behind. Your insurance will help cover costs acquired from lawsuits and legal fees from accusations of negligence. If you own a caregiving business, there are a few other important insurance types to check out.

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance is a great coverage to get if you work for yourself. This kind of coverage protects you from actions where preventative mistakes were made. For example, if you failed to make sure your patient puts their seatbelt on or leave a patient behind. Your insurance will help cover costs acquired from lawsuits and legal fees from accusations of negligence. If you own a caregiving business, there are a few other important insurance types to check out.

Business Owner’s Policy

If you have a business space, or a business car, business owners’ policy insurance is able to cover costs associated with any damages. Incidents can take place in your establishment or with your vehicle when it is being driven for work-related reasons. Rather than hoping these things don’t happen, cover your back with a business owner’s policy.

Employee Coverage

Employee coverage covers the costs of one of your employees getting hurt on the job. If they get into an accident and you must pay for their care, your employee coverage insurance policy can cover some of the associated costs.

Cyber Insurance

Although your work is mostly face-to-face, if you use your phone or computer to book appointments and keep track of data, you are susceptible to cyber-attacks and data breaches. These breaches can result in great financial loss, which is where cyber insurance steps in. The proper insurance policy can help cover all costs associated.

For any more questions about caregiver insurance coverage, contact your trusted isure broker today. We can help put together a package that is perfect for you or your business, ensuring that we provide the highest quality insurance quotes tailored to your exact needs.
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