Working in a physical labour industry comes with a unique set of risks, both physical and financial. If you work on a site, you know that there will be risks due to the nature of the construction environment, but how can you protect yourself and your equipment from the unexpected elements? Let isure find a custom policy that takes care of everything you need to protect.

Property Insurance

Property insurance will cover any damages or loss that happens on the building or construction site. This includes theft, water damage, vandalism, fire, or explosions. Property insurance costs associated with debris removal, property replacement, and potential legal fees are also covered. For any builder or contractor, it is essential to be prepared for even the most unlikely circumstances, seeing as all have pricy consequences.


Crime Insurance

Hopefully, you never have to make a claim on your crime insurance policy, though as a contractor, it’s important to have this kind of coverage. Crime coverage covers costs from dishonest employees, fraudulent payments from customers (counterfeit currency, bad money orders, fraudulent electronic transfers). Consult your policy terms to be sure where you are covered from work crimes.


Crime Insurance

Hopefully, you never have to make a claim on your crime insurance policy, though as a contractor, it’s important to have this kind of coverage. Crime coverage covers costs from dishonest employees, fraudulent payments from customers (counterfeit currency, bad money orders, fraudulent electronic transfers). Consult your policy terms to be sure where you are covered from work crimes.


Cyber Insurance

In today’s digital world, you probably have a website that promotes your building services. You may also have online payment options for more convenience. If this is true in your case, you will need cyber insurance to protect all of the activities that happen online. Protecting your data and your customer’s data is crucial as cyber-attacks can happen at any time. Regardless of if the information stolen is of great value or not, coverage can range from investigation costs to software damage costs, and even third-party lawsuits. The proper insurance policy can help cover all costs associated.


In accounting, one error in paperwork may mean a negligence lawsuit is on the way to you. While mistakes happen in every field, an accounting mistake can be costly for your clients, which could wind up leaving you out of millions in legal and settlement fees. Because these mistakes can happen, you should invest in professional liability insurance. This kind of policy covers costs associated with claims of negligence, misconduct, or failure to deliver as promised drawn against you and your practice.

General Liability

General liability coverage for builders and contractors can be used to pay for legal fees and lawsuits resulting from events on your building site. Lastly, general liability covers damages done to areas surrounding the construction site. For example, if you or an employee is working on a home and you accidentally break a neighbour’s window, insurance can cover the replacement costs.

Here is another example: you are working as a contractor, working on a site and accidentally cause fire damage. Your Commercial General Liability will cover for your legal liability for any third–party property damage or bodily injury. Your policy will also hire a lawyer and pay for your legal defence. For an added level of protection, speak to an isure commercial specialist about an umbrella or excess liability coverage.

General Liability

General liability coverage for builders and contractors can be used to pay for legal fees and lawsuits resulting from events on your building site. Lastly, general liability covers damages done to areas surrounding the construction site. For example, if you or an employee is working on a home and you accidentally break a neighbour’s window, insurance can cover the replacement costs.

Here is another example: you are working as a contractor, working on a site and accidentally cause fire damage. Your Commercial General Liability will cover for your legal liability for any third–party property damage or bodily injury. Your policy will also hire a lawyer and pay for your legal defence. For an added level of protection, speak to an isure commercial specialist about an umbrella or excess liability coverage.

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