Cybersecurity firms are relatively new businesses. A cybersecurity firm is responsible for identifying and correcting business’ cyber risks. Each cybersecurity firm protects their clients, but what happens if an accident happens? Who protects the cybersecurity firm from their own risks? Insurance can protect your firm from unanticipated issues, such as data breaches, internal theft and bad advice.

Cyber Insurance for Cybersecurity Firms

As a cybersecurity firm, you know better than most that data breaches can happen quickly, and to anyone. Repercussions following a data breach could potentially be catastrophic and cost you thousands to rectify. Use the funds from your policy to investigate the event or to pay for hardware and software replacement costs. In the event that you are sued for damages stemming from the breach, you can use policy funds to cover that as well.

Crime Insurance for Cybersecurity Firms

Criminal activity in any business is always a concern. When it comes to cybersecurity, internal theft of personal information, fraud and employee dishonesty are three issues that could arise. With crime insurance, you are able to pay for damages to your business or to clients who have been impacted. While you are not always able to prevent these events from happening, you can take steps to manage the outcome before it happens.

Crime Insurance for Cybersecurity Firms

Criminal activity in any business is always a concern. When it comes to cybersecurity, internal theft of personal information, fraud and employee dishonesty are three issues that could arise. With crime insurance, you are able to pay for damages to your business or to clients who have been impacted. While you are not always able to prevent these events from happening, you can take steps to manage the outcome before it happens.

Errors & Omissions Insurance

Cybersecurity firms provide professional advice and services to their clients. If a client takes the advice and, as a direct result of said advice, has great financial, physical or professional loss, you may be held liable. For example, if you are providing services to a business, but forget to check one thing about the site and that site gets hacked, you could be liable for damages. Errors and omissions insurance is also known as professional liability insurance, and can protect you from legal claims of negligence and malpractice, as well as professional errors.

Without any type of professional business insurance, any damage or legal fees will come directly out of your pocket. Call isure today to talk about creating a custom business insurance policy for your cybersecurity firm.

About Cyber insurance

How much does Cyber insurance cost?
The price of your specific Cyber insurance policy will depend on a number of factors:

  • Type of policy
  • Specific size
  • How big your company is
  • Which industry your business is in
  • What type of data you have
  • Do you have cyber defense in place?
  • What is your track record like when it comes to online attacks?

and more!

How much Cyber insurance is enough?
Typically, the level of coverage you need is susceptible to change. As your business model develops, the level of coverage you need will change, too. Speak with an isure broker today to discuss your specific needs and how we can develop a policy to meet them.
Why should I bundle my insurance?
There are so many advantages to bundling your insurance! Some of the advantages include:

1. When you bundle your insurance coverage, you will, Most times, you will receive a discount!

2. Your policy may be under one bill, which can be convenient for payment.

3. You only have to deal with one company if you need to make a claim – bonus!

What isn't covered by my Cyber insurance policy?

Certain policies exclude specific risks, though generally, cyber insurance does not cover:

  • Loss of patent, copyright, or trademark
  • Anticipated revenue loss
  • Preventable attacks
Can I obtain a Cyber policy online?
With isure, getting a quote is as easy as filling out a form! An agent will call you shortly after you fill out an online quote to discuss your options.
Is it really necessary to have Cyber insurance?
In the event that your business is ever attacked online, having cyber insurance could save you a huge amount in legal fees and replacement costs. Speak with an isure broker to discuss your personal risks.
How much can I save by bundling my home and auto insurance?

If you are wondering what type of savings you can enjoy by bundling your home and auto insurance premiums, let’s take a look at what they cost separately. The average cost of car insurance in Ontario is $763 per year for minimum coverage, and $2,098 for full car insurance. Therefore, this makes the average auto insurance cost in Ontario $1,634 per year. Most drivers pay in the range of $1,300 to $1,800, annually. Rates vary depending on your location, the type of vehicle you drive, driving history, and many other factors.

The average Ontario home insurance costs come in at approximately $1250 per year. However, depending on your home value and location, you can expect to pay anywhere from $700 to $2,000 (or more) annually for house insurance. How much you can save depends on your insurance provider. Other factors that will help determine your savings are the types of insurance you have, policy limits, add-ons or endorsements, claims history, and more. The more types of coverage you combine, the less you will pay. Cost savings vary based on the insurance product.

By bundling your home and auto insurance premiums, in some cases, you can see a 20% savings. Therefore, by combining the average auto and home insurance premiums together and applying the 20% discount, you can see savings of around $576.80 annually!