As a developer, your job is to research, design and implement software programs. This might include designing and creating apps, websites or other information technology. You might think that developers have no need for any insurance, but those in this profession are vulnerable to a few dangerous perils. The only way to protect yourself as a developer from these risks is with insurance and we’ve listed some examples below:

Commercial General Liability Insurance

As a developer, your code is your whole brand, so protecting it should be a top priority. With commercial general liability (CGL) insurance, you are awarded funds that can be used if you need to pursue intellectual property claims. You can also use your CGL policy to defend your claims from infringement as well as from non-professional negligence accidents, like slips and falls.

Professional Liability Insurance

As a developer, if you promise to deliver a certain design to your client but later find out you are unable to follow through, you could be looking at a lawsuit for failure to deliver on a promise. Save your reputation and any legal fees with a professional liability policy. Professional liability offers policyholders protection from accusations of malpractice, negligence and failure to deliver on a promise, along with professional errors and omissions.

Professional Liability Insurance

As a developer, if you promise to deliver a certain design to your client but later find out you are unable to follow through, you could be looking at a lawsuit for failure to deliver on a promise. Save your reputation and any legal fees with a professional liability policy. Professional liability offers policyholders protection from accusations of malpractice, negligence and failure to deliver on a promise, along with professional errors and omissions.

Cyber Insurance

Being a developer means most (or all) of your work is done on a digital platform, which can be a huge advantage and eliminates a lot of risks. First, finding certain files is a lot easier on a digital platform than with paper copies. Secondly, your files are not subject to the same damage risks as paper files (fire damage, etc.), and the hard drives can be copied or uploaded to the cloud – disaster averted! Unfortunately, digital files aren’t safe from cyber hacks and hardware corruption. In a cyber hack, your completed and in-progress projects may be temporarily, or even permanently, lost. These losses can cause you and your clients significant financial or security damages. Claims can be made on a cyber insurance policy for funding to cover investigations, hardware and software replacements, as well as covering any legal fees that may arise from data breaches.

To ask specific questions or learn more about your coverage options, call isure today!