Home accessibility workers go into people’s homes and provide companionship, certain healthcare services, and general assistance to individuals who have some challenges living on their own. Home accessibility workers work with one or many patients and are responsible for performing a wide variety of tasks for their patients, like driving, cooking, bathing, and cleaning. With these responsibilities, there are some risks as well. Not all risks can be anticipated, which is where insurance comes into play.
General Liability Insurance for Home Accessibility Worker
Mistakes are a reality that home accessibility workers can’t always escape, no matter how much planning goes into their day. One day you are cleaning the house and a painting falls off the wall, that small accident could cost you thousands of dollars out of pocket without liability insurance. Car accidents, slips and falls, property damage, along with cooking mishaps all could be grounds for a lawsuit. With general liability insurance, any unexpected legal costs, replacement fees, and payments to third parties may be covered.
Errors and Omissions insurance for Home Accessibility Worker
Working with so many clients and long hours means that, unfortunately, there are errors made in the home accessibility industry. If you forget to buckle up a patient in your travel van and they end up hitting their arm on the inside of the car, causing bodily harm, you could be accused of negligence. With Errors and omissions insurance, your financial settlement fees could be partially or completely covered. This kind of insurance covers and costs associated with mistakes you make while practicing your profession.
Umbrella Coverage
For some people, single coverage policies are not enough. For you, look into umbrella coverage policies. Umbrella coverage provides additional financial coverage in the event your initial coverage is not enough to front the pending expenses.
Customize your insurance policy to fit any and all of your specific needs as a home accessibility worker. Walk into work each day feeling secure that you are going above and beyond while maintaining the safety and security of your patients and yourself. Call isure today and learn more about crafting a custom policy that works perfectly for you.
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