OR New Ontario Residents

Be sure of a bright future.

Did you know?

“The average Canadian household spends: 28% on shelter costs, 19% on transportation, 7% on household furnishings and 4% on household furnishings. They spend $3600 annually on insurance.”

isure Insurance Customized for New Ontario Residents

isure Renter’s Insurance

isure Advice for New Canadian

If you are a new resident of Ontario and require auto or home insurance, our friendly isure insurance brokers can help. We have the knowledge and experience to help every client who contacts us and we will work to provide you with the best insurance quotes based on your needs.

We understand that every situation is unique, and we’ll work to help you make informed decisions regarding your policy. We will gladly answer any questions you may have and will also address all of your concerns so that you have a full understanding of the details that are involved. When you’re new to a country or province, most tasks can seem foreign and overwhelming. However, our reputable insurance brokers will guide you through the insurance process and will make sure you are comfortable with the information being presented to you.

Both home and auto coverage are a must, and it is very important that you have the peace of mind of having the right insurance policy. At isure, we will make sure your experience is pleasant and stress-free because our insurance brokers always aim to provide exceptional service. We will make sure you have the coverage that you need because with isure, you will always be in good hands.

In simple terms, if you want to drive in Ontario, it is essential that you have insurance coverage. The same is true when it comes to purchasing a property in Ontario. Contact one of our skilled and knowledgeable isure brokers to get started today!

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isure experts are here to HELP you.