Corporate telecommunications companies are focused largely on the reliability and quality of the service they provide, as well as on the content provided to consumers. Radio stations, tv stations and social media companies are all examples of corporate telecommunications because they provide content 24-hours a day. This is why these types of companies need insurance that is there for them, just as frequently!
Corporate Telecommunications Insurance
Cyber Liability Insurance
In the event your internal systems become compromised, cyber liability insurance can help minimize the damage after the fact. Seen with companies like Facebook, and before that MySpace, hacks are always a potential risk. These hacks have costly repercussions for both users and telecommunications companies. Hacks can breach user profile information or broadcast false information to customers. Cyber liability coverage can cover costs associated with correcting internal issues and paying for any chain reaction in your customer community.
Umbrella General Liability Insurance
General liability insurance or umbrella coverage is essential for corporate telecommunications businesses. It provides broad coverage for any accidental incidents that cause damages. In the event of “slip and fall” accidents on your property, any expenses may be covered. As a media company, some of the opinions you share may be unfavourable for certain parties; general liability insurance protects you from defamation, slander or libel lawsuits. Finally, general liability covers property damage, i.e. if you accidentally damage a car while working out in the field, your umbrella coverage means you may not have to pay for repairs.
Umbrella General Liability Insurance
General liability insurance or umbrella coverage is essential for corporate telecommunications businesses. It provides broad coverage for any accidental incidents that cause damages. In the event of “slip and fall” accidents on your property, any expenses may be covered. As a media company, some of the opinions you share may be unfavourable for certain parties; general liability insurance protects you from defamation, slander or libel lawsuits. Finally, general liability covers property damage, i.e. if you accidentally damage a car while working out in the field, your umbrella coverage means you may not have to pay for repairs.
Commercial Auto Insurance
If you drive around for work, you need commercial auto insurance. Commercial auto insurance covers accidents that take place when you are in a business vehicle. Because you drive your car more because of work, personal auto coverage won’t cut it. If you find yourself in some car troubles and need help without commercial auto insurance, those expenses will have to come out of your own pocket. To learn more about what the difference between commercial and personal auto insurance is, contact the insurance experts at isure.
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