As the world turns a new digital page, more businesses are turning to IT consulting firms for advice on improving their digital technology and presence. As an IT consulting company, this is exactly what you are looking for, though if you are too ambitious with your actions, you might find yourself with a few issues on your hands. Luckily, you can prepare for anything with the proper insurance coverage.

Professional Liability Insurance for IT Consulting

Your entire day is based on giving out advice to your business clients. The advice you give can have heavy impacts, both positive and negative. Of course, you hope all of your advice proves effective, though errors and miscalculations do still happen and are to be expected in a field as fast-paced as technology. To protect yourself from any legal fees that may result from ill-advised advice, invest in professional liability insurance. Professional liability insurance covers claims of negligence, malpractice, ill advice and misrepresentation. Professional liability insurance only covers what is outlined in your specific policy, so speak with an insurance expert at isure to better understand your specific requirements.


Cyber Liability Insurance for IT Consulting

Working with technology, you know how likely it is for things to go awry. Even with great cybersecurity, you can still be a victim of cyber hacking or file loss. In the event your data is breached, cyber liability insurance can fund investigations, replacements and/or any legal fees associated with third-party loss. One day you log onto your computer system and you notice that your clients’ personal files have been stolen. The privacy of your clients is now compromised, and you could be liable to pay for company damages. With cyber liability insurance, these fees may be partially or totally covered.


Cyber Liability Insurance for IT Consulting

Working with technology, you know how likely it is for things to go awry. Even with great cybersecurity, you can still be a victim of cyber hacking or file loss. In the event your data is breached, cyber liability insurance can fund investigations, replacements and/or any legal fees associated with third-party loss. One day you log onto your computer system and you notice that your clients’ personal files have been stolen. The privacy of your clients is now compromised, and you could be liable to pay for company damages. With cyber liability insurance, these fees may be partially or totally covered.


General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance covers accidental property damage, as well as accidents that take place in your establishment. For example, if a client is visiting your office and slips and falls, you could be held liable for their injuries. With general liability insurance, these fees could be covered. Speak to an isure broker today if you are unsure of your coverage or would like to change it!


Commercial Auto Insurance

Driving to and from work is one thing, but did you know that if you are driving around for work that your car needs to be commercially insured? Because you are driving more than one would for personal reasons, your personal auto insurance cannot cover accidents that happen while driving on the job.


Commercial Auto Insurance

Driving to and from work is one thing, but did you know that if you are driving around for work that your car needs to be commercially insured? Because you are driving more than one would for personal reasons, your personal auto insurance cannot cover accidents that happen while driving on the job.


Your IT consulting firm is absolutely necessary in today’s economy, but make sure you protect yourself from the variables you aren't able to predict. To discuss this further or to get a quote, one of our isure brokers would be happy to speak with you. Our experts have a ton of experience and cannot wait to help you help others!

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