Any contractor who provides plumbing services must have a plumber’s insurance policy, and customers will be quick to ask about this aspect. The good news is that isure can provide you with the insurance you need, so if you are a plumbing contractor, we can provide your business with the coverage and protection it requires. 

Plumbers are well aware that risks are a part of their industry, and while certain scenarios may be out of your control, it is possible for you to be prepared. The right insurance will offset any potential damages, so it is a must that you invest in plumber’s insurance. Turning a blind eye to potential losses should never be an option because this can lead to a potential lawsuit. Our policies will provide you with peace of mind and allow you to focus on your customers with fewer concerns. 

It’s important to understand that even the most cautious plumbers can run into problems, so you need to ensure that you acquire the appropriate insurance coverage, regardless of your level of experience. One small mistake can lead to thousands of dollars’ worth of damages, and in the event that your client sues and you don’t have adequate coverage, you will be the one responsible for these costs. 

We will shop around for the best policies to allow you to protect your business so that you can secure your revenues. Do not hesitate to give us a call to discuss the type of coverage that would be best for you.  

We can offer your plumbing business the protection it needs, so feel free to contact isure today if you are interested in learning more! 


Commercial General Liability Insurance for Plumbers

Now that you know what kind of insurance you need, what exactly is commercial general liability insurance? CGL covers accidental property damage, bodily harm or damages caused by you or an employee on a job site. For example, you install a plumbing fixture that later fails, flooding the customer’s house. While the customer may have home insurance, that home insurance company will come after you for reimbursement if they feel you are responsible. A commercial general liability policy will pay for any liability and provide all the necessary legal defense for you.
Commercial liability insurance does not cover damages to your own property or employees. For those, you will need separate policies. So, if you are working on a site and your snack machine breaks accidentally, your general liability policy will not cover the replacement costs. Instead, you will need to look into property and contents insurance.


Commercial Auto Insurance for Plumbers 

If you drive any work vehicle, you need commercial auto insurance. Regular personal auto insurance will not cover claims that you have filed as a result of accidents on the way to or from a job. This type of coverage will not cover the contents of your car, and once again, contents and property insurance is needed to have replacement costs covered.
Are you looking for a new or better rate than your existing coverage? Call the insurance experts at isure to discuss your options. Ask our team about commercial general liability and commercial auto insurance packages to bundle and save even more!


Commercial Auto Insurance

If you drive any work vehicle, you need commercial auto insurance. Regular personal auto insurance will not cover claims that you have filed as a result of accidents on the way to or from a job. This type of coverage will not cover the contents of your car, and once again, contents and property insurance is needed to have replacement costs covered.
Are you looking for a new or better rate than your existing coverage? Call the insurance experts at isure to discuss your options. Ask our team about commercial general liability and commercial auto insurance packages to bundle and save even more!


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