Protecting your restaurant from property damage, client injuries, equipment breakdown, and liquor liability claims is a must, which is why restaurant insurance is so important. There’s more to the restaurant industry than just providing food and excellent customer service. Here at isure, we understand the importance of restaurant insurance and protection. We will help you find the right coverage based on your specific needs as a restaurant owner/manager. 

Restaurant Insurance Image

Accidents happen, so ensure your restaurant is protected 

We care about our clients and will always take the time to listen to your needs and concerns. We know that those in the restaurant industry are passionate about their careers. We will provide you with insurance that is specifically designed to protect restaurant owners against any risks associated with serving food and drinks.  

No matter how careful you are (and regardless of the number of precautions you take,) accidents can still happen. You may not be able to control every aspect, but we will be there to help in the event of an incident! You can always rely on our team’s guidance to secure the best restaurant insurance coverage. 

Commercial insurance for restaurants 

Restaurant insurance will generally include commercial general liability insurance, commercial property insurance, equipment breakdown insurance, product liability insurance, and cyber liability insurance. We can discuss each type of restaurant insurance in detail whenever you give us a call.  

We will present you with all the information you need and provide you with professional recommendations to ensure proper coverage. Any business that provides food and drink services will require restaurant insurance. So, whether you own a bakery, bar, coffee shop, dine-in restaurant, fast food restaurant, pub, catering company, or food truck, we will be able to help.  

What is the cost of Restaurant Insurance? 

In terms of cost, this will depend on numerous factors, including the size and location of your business, the number of employees you have, years of experience, any previous insurance claims, and your annual and projected gross revenue. We will factor in all pertinent information regarding your restaurant insurance and provide you with a quote for coverage from the highest quality insurance that meets your budget. If you require restaurant or commercial insurance for your business, contact us today via our website live chat on, by email at [email protected], or via telephone: 1-877-514-7873. 

Commercial Property Insurance

Starting a restaurant costs tens of thousands of dollars. In the event of a natural disaster, fire or explosion, you could see your hard work literally go up in flames. Take away the constant impending financial stress with commercial property insurance. Obtaining a commercial property insurance policy covers damage costs in the event of a fire, explosion and criminal activity, as well as specific risks your unique restaurant is faced with. Speak with your isure broker about your property’s specific risks and how you can get them covered instantly.

Food Contamination Insurance

When food spoils as a result of an event, like a power outage or long-term closure, it cannot be served to guests. Thanks to the natural bacteria and parasites that develop due to food contamination, potentially thousands of dollars in food will be wasted. Rather than facing the devastating loss yourself, charges could be covered by a food contamination policy.

Food Contamination Insurance

When food spoils as a result of an event, like a power outage or long-term closure, it cannot be served to guests. Thanks to the natural bacteria and parasites that develop due to food contamination, potentially thousands of dollars in food will be wasted. Rather than facing the devastating loss yourself, charges could be covered by a food contamination policy.

Business Interruption Insurance

In the event your restaurant needs to close its doors as a result of an unexpected event such as a fire or more relevantly, the COVID-19 pandemic, your revenue could be completely or partially subsidized with business interruption insurance. Depending on your specific policy coverage, business interruption insurance covers your revenue, wages and management costs. Business interruption insurance is only active if it was purchased before the closure, and as we have seen this year in particular, it’s never a bad idea to be extra prepared for anything that can happen unexpectedly.

Commercial General Liability

Investing in a commercial general liability insurance policy can prove extremely useful in your restaurant. With the amount of food and beverages flowing constantly through your restaurant, spills are inevitable. In the event that a customer slips on a spill, your restaurant could be faced with a liability lawsuit. Cover those potentially expensive settlements and legal fees with a comprehensive general liability policy.

Commercial General Liability

Investing in a commercial general liability insurance policy can prove extremely useful in your restaurant. With the amount of food and beverages flowing constantly through your restaurant, spills are inevitable. In the event that a customer slips on a spill, your restaurant could be faced with a liability lawsuit. Cover those potentially expensive settlements and legal fees with a comprehensive general liability policy.

Alcohol Liability Insurance

If your restaurant serves alcoholic beverages to customers, you need alcohol liability insurance. If a customer you served gets too inebriated and falls into an expensive plant outside the neighbouring restaurant, insurance may be able to cover the replacement costs. Alcohol liability insurance covers costs associated with negligent actions due to intoxication resulting from drinks served at your establishment.

To find out more information about the different types of coverage for your restaurant or how you can bundle your policies, speak with an isure insurance broker today!