As an accountant, you spend all day helping your clients organize their accounts and minimize financial risk. You have great analytical, critical thinking, and communication skills, which is probably exactly why you are thinking about purchasing insurance. In accounting, making one mistake can have thousands of dollars in damages to follow, avoid paying for settlements out of pocket and instead, let your insurance policy take care of it. So, as an accountant, what kinds of insurance should you be looking into?

The brokers at isure came up with the best coverage recipe for accountants consisting of the following three policies:

General Liability Insurance

Professional Liability Insurance

Cyber Liability Insurance

Get the leading insurance policies with the best personalized options you deserve.
If a client comes to visit you, and slips and falls in your office, this could prove to be a costly incident for you without general liability insurance. On the other hand, if you have general liability insurance, your financial costs for slip and fall accidents may be covered. Your policy can protect you from general and everyday accidents that may take place in any environment. You can trust that if there is a workplace accident, you will not be paying directly out of pocket. Talk to the brokers at isure about how you can make your policy more effective in your practice.

In accounting, one error in paperwork may mean a negligence lawsuit is on the way to you. While mistakes happen in every field, an accounting mistake can be costly for your clients, which could wind up leaving you out of millions in legal and settlement fees. Because these mistakes can happen, you should invest in professional liability insurance. This kind of policy covers costs associated with claims of negligence, misconduct, or failure to deliver as promised drawn against you and your practice.

As an accountant, you deal with very sensitive and valuable information on a day-to-day basis. In the event of a cyber-attack, this information may be compromised. As a result, you will have to pay for any costs to investigate and recover from the attack. You may also be subject to third-party lawsuit fees. With cyber liability insurance, legal fees and costs associated with the investigation and recovery would be covered.

The proper insurance policy protects both the accountant and client in business; without it, you may be left with destructive lawsuits, amongst other things. Getting insured with isure is easy and cost-effective. Our team of experts is always ready to answer any questions you might have; call us today and receive your quote!

As an accountant, you deal with very sensitive and valuable information on a day-to-day basis. In the event of a cyber-attack, this information may be compromised. As a result, you will have to pay for any costs to investigate and recover from the attack. You may also be subject to third-party lawsuit fees. With cyber liability insurance, legal fees and costs associated with the investigation and recovery would be covered.

The proper insurance policy protects both the accountant and client in business; without it, you may be left with destructive lawsuits, amongst other things. Getting insured with isure is easy and cost-effective. Our team of experts is always ready to answer any questions you might have; call us today and receive your quote!

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