Did you know?

In Ontario, young drivers with a clean record can pay over 4X the amount the average driver pays.

isure Insurance Customized for the Young Driver

isure Advice for Young Drivers Under 25

Young drivers are viewed as high-risk clients, which is why car insurance costs more for those who are between the ages of 16 and 24.

Insurance rates can be overwhelming for young drivers but here at isure, we will do everything we can to provide you with exceptional and comprehensive auto insurance quotes. We will provide you with details so that you have an understanding of your policy and the costs that are associated with it, and will even provide you with tips to lower your rates. Taking a young driver training course, avoiding distractions and obeying the rules of the road are just a few of the ways that young drivers can lower their insurance.

Driving safely and concentrating on the road at all times will help you become a better driver and your insurance rate will decrease as a result. While young drivers account for a very low percentage of drivers on the road, they are involved in a very high percentage of accidents, and this is why they may experience higher insurance rates. Statistics will play a role in determining your insurance rate, but our brokers will go through this information with you so that you are aware of the reasoning behind your fees. Age and experience matter when it comes to auto insurance, so it’s important to keep that in mind.

A clean driver profile will help as well, so these are all factors that will be considered when determining the insurance rate for your young driver. Parents who choose to add an occasional driver to their insurance policy will likely see an increase in their premium, but we will go over all of this information in great detail. If you have questions regarding young drivers and their personal profile, contact isure today!

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