In today’s day and age, there are many methods of making money on the internet. From TikTok to Instagram and YouTube, blogging, vlogging and content creation have taken the world by storm. Though there are millions of bloggers in the world, few of them have considered whether insurance is necessary. When a casual hobby slowly grows into something more, brands start buying and eventually, a small business is born. At some point in the process, a name is purchased, casual contributors are added and your media empire begins! But, at what point should a blogger consider some type of insurance? The answer is, sooner than you think. In fact, if you’re already regularly writing or distributing content, you should already be considering blogger insurance.
Is there such thing as Blogger Insurance?
While there isn’t blogger insurance particularly, there are three types of insurance that a blogger, vlogger or content creator can consider. This includes small business insurance, errors and omissions and cyber liability insurance. Depending on how you make an income on the internet, each of these policies will come with different benefits. They will also protect you in their own ways in case you run into any issues. While the risk may seem minor as you start, it unfortunately only grows over time. Luckily, isure is here to help you figure out which type of policy would be best for you.
What does Small Business Insurance do for me?
Small business insurance is key to protecting yourself in the event of a problem that can result in being liable for damages. This should be your go-to option if you have a physical space that is connected to your online blogging, vlogging or content creation. Some examples of this can include when a client visits your business and gets injured. It can also help if you have contributors who work for you, or you have an inventory or product that can be stolen or destroyed. In many cases, home or renter’s insurance will not cover your business items. There are many reasons to have small business insurance as a blogger, vlogger or content creator, but these are just a few possible scenarios of why you will need it.
What is the importance of Errors and Omissions Insurance?
Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance is a type of professional liability protection. It is especially ideal for bloggers who write or create for other sites, or their own. Imagine writing or filming a review about a product, where you accidentally suggest something that ends up causing damage to one of your viewers. They can potentially sue you for your error in suggesting how to use the product. Alternatively, imagine you’re posting a piece of content to a client’s website. And when you’re going to update your post, you accidentally delete some of their previous content. This is another situation where your client can sue you for error. E&O insurance helps protect you if instances like this occur.
Cyber liability and blogger insurance
As a blogger, vlogger or content creator, generally your entire business is built online. This gives you incredible flexibility, but also presents a few risks. Cyber crime continues to be a growing problem, even in 2023. Today, someone can learn to hack into a compromised system through online tutorials and steal data from you. As someone who regularly produces content for the internet, this can mean deletion of your work, stolen client data or even identity theft. In order to protect yourself, having some digital security insurance is a great start. Naturally, you should also look into further securing your data and accounts through two-factor authentication, anti-virus protection and encryption. To learn more on cyber liability insurance, click here.
If you’re a blogger, vlogger or content creator with any kind of audience or clients, you should always have adequate insurance, no matter the amount. While you may find that the risk is minor, this will change as you grow. At some point, you will need to decide on an insurance strategy that makes sense for you and your business. Like anything, the sooner you do this the better! If you’re currently searching for insurance options, why not request a quote with us at isure? Not only do we have some of the cheapest premiums available, but our top-notch customer service can help aid you in finding the best policy suited for you and your business.