As the weather begins to warm up in Ontario, construction sites will begin opening up and resuming work. You may see a sign that reads “Construction zone ahead!” or a road flagger controlling traffic. This will result in road congestion and confusing driving conditions. We thought it would be a good idea to collect all construction zone signs and speed limit rules in Ontario.
What is a “construction zone”?
First, it’s important to clarify what constitutes as a construction zone in Ontario. A construction zone is an area marked with any form of traffic control signage, such as pylons or an actual sign. Secondly, the markings will be around the zone, making it apparent where not to drive or walk. As a result, it’s very important to slow down and be extra aware when driving adjacent to or even through an area like this.
What is the speed limit?
In the same vein, understanding the speed limit rules surrounding construction zone signs is also important. This is where the rules can get confusing, and they will differ based on different construction sites. Most construction zone speed limits in highway zones will lie between 50 km/h and 70 km/h, with limits decreasing on secondary roads. It’s important to pay attention to speed limits for many reasons. One of which is the fines for speeding can double in and around construction sites. Drivers in Ontario can receive fines of up to $500, and gain up to three demerit points for speeding in one of these areas.
What are some common construction zone signs?
For some extra clarity, here is a diagram featuring all of the construction zone signs you can encounter in Ontario:
Construction work one kilometre ahead.
Road work ahead.
Survey crew working on the road ahead.
Traffic control person ahead. Drive slowly and watch for instructions.
You are entering a construction zone. Drive with extra caution and prepare for a lower speed limit.
Temporary detour from normal traffic route.
Flashing lights on the arrows show the direction to follow.
Pavement has been milled or grooved. Your vehicle’s stopping ability may be affected, so obey the speed limit and drive with extra caution. Motorcyclists may experience a reduction in traction on these surfaces.
Lane ahead is closed for roadwork. Obey the speed limit and merge with traffic in the open lane.
Closed lane. Adjust speed to merge with traffic in lane indicated by arrow.
Do not pass the pilot vehicle or pace vehicle bearing this sign.
Reduce speed and prepare to stop.
Follow detour marker until you return to regular route.
Enforces doubling the HTA fines for speeding in a designated construction zone when there are workers present.
All signs and photos via
We hope this article clarifies some of the questions you may have about construction zone signs and speed limit rules in Ontario. If you have any questions about how your car insurance policy may feel the effects by anything in this article, please reach out to a member of our isure team. Happy spring driving!