At its core, the purpose of Earth Day is to teach people simple strategies to conserve energy and participate in environmental conservation. So as we celebrate the 52nd annual Earth Day, why not find fun ways to teach children to be more aware of their environmental footprint? Spending some quality family time discussing our planet and getting involved in any one of these activities is a great way for it to resonate. Luckily, isure has you covered! We have put together a list of Earth Day activities, resources, and community suggestions for your family to enjoy on April 22nd.

Earth Day activities the whole family can enjoy

Here are some great ideas to consider while planning your Earth Day activities:

1. Leave your car at home

Utilize your bike, take transit, or walk to school/work to reduce your carbon footprint. Even if you don’t have anywhere to go, a simple walk or bike ride in general can be a great way to enjoy some fresh air and reduce your carbon footprint!

2. Do some yard work

Focus your energy on the backyard and consider rolling up your sleeves and doing some yard work. While raking leaves, be careful to watch out for smaller animals that have made their winter homes there. Not only is this a great way of helping the environment, but you’ll be thanking yourself when it comes time to use your backyard in the Summer!

3. Turn off all electronics

Turn your laptop, TV, or iPad off and play some classic board games or cards with the family. We understand it can be difficult in this day in age to turn your back on electronics, but this is a perfect way of bonding with family or friends!

4. Compost with your family

Make an effort to compost daily. If you and your family don’t compost, Earth Day is a great way to start! Compost paper bags are available at your local garden or grocery store, and can be picked up with your other recyclables in your designated green bin. However, it’s important to remember to keep compost out of your garbage!

5. Tend to your garden

If you are starting to garden, consider planting pollinator flowers to attract bees. They are essential to our food chain, after all! This is also a great time to plant some vegetables or herbs of your choosing!

6. Plant a tree

Plant an “Earth Day” legacy tree in the backyard with your family and watch it grow for years to come.

7. Ditch the plastic

Stop buying single-use plastic beverage containers! Instead, consider buying liquids in bulk. Zero waste stores are popping up all around Ontario.

8. Consider cloth diapers for your baby

For new parents, consider using cloth diapers. For a full rundown of retailers that offer this eco-friendly alternative, click here.

9. Think before you print

Remember to teach children to use both sides of the page when printing. Save unwanted drawings for scrap paper in their next art project.

10. Eat organic

It’s tough to eat local and organic in April, but you can try to find Ontario-grown produce for your meal. Try and go meatless for lunch, dinner, or both! Some fresh fruits and veggies are great options, and have your kids help with food preparation.

Useful web resources for Earth Day activities

Earth Day provides us all with a great opportunity to talk to our kids about the environment. Additionally, it can create an opportunity to plan some fun activities the whole family can enjoy together. We’ve compiled a list of web resources to help you find Earth Day activities and events to enjoy with your family:


For the most comprehensive listing of Earth Day events in and around Ontario, this is your one-stop resource! From tree planting events and community clean-ups to Earth Day-themed programs at your local library, this site has it all.

We Have Kids

Keep an eye out for Earth Day activity ideas for families.

This website has a whole earth catalog of regional sites around the globe. Featuring the latest news, listings of events, feature stories, online quizzes, factoids, feature stories and teaching resources.

Planet Pals

Features include a kid-friendly community with fun facts, activities, and resources for learning more about planet Earth. Additionally, it has tips on recycling, conservation and lots of links to Earth Day information around the web.

Canadian Museum of Nature

Celebrate Earth Day with the museum! If you are in the Ottawa area this weekend, enjoy free admission to the museum’s world-class exhibitions. Be sure to check out the new Bugs Alive exhibition. Chat with a science interpreter, who will be on-site at the tank for Earth Day! Explore all the popular galleries—Fossils, Mammals, Birds and more. A naturally fun way to spend Earth Day!

Earth Rangers

Earth Rangers has launched a new Eco-Activity Initiative! Visit their website for a variety of activities to do with your family at home. Whatever you do, thank you for doing it. Every little bit benefits everyone here, today AND tomorrow.

isure cares about the environment

At isure, we work and live in your community. We believe in doing what we can to help preserve the planet and take steps to reduce our global footprint. We are one of the first in the industry to go paperless and offer our insurers and clients electronic policies!

Ready to learn about the environment? Want to know how to begin making changes that will help our planet’s future? Check out our article on Earth Day to learn more on what makes the day so important, and the history behind it!

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