Blizzards in Canada have become very common, and it’s important to know how to handle them. Sometimes we find ourselves in predicaments where driving in dangerous conditions is not by choice, but still necessary. Let’s unpack the details of a winter storm so you can drive through a blizzard safely. 

How to prepare

Before the Weather Network predicts a blizzard, getting proper winter protection for your car is an ideal way to avoid any problems. Ensuring you have snow tires is the number one way to prepare for winter terrain on the roads, along with stocking up on essentials. This may include windshield wiper fluid and oil. When preparing to drive in the winter, having more than you need is the best tip we can give. Stocking up on extra hats, a jacket and gloves (in case something happens) is essential. Also, be sure to pack jumper cables, even if you’re just driving a short distance. Before you hit the road, make sure to wipe any snow off of your entire car, not just your windows! Driving with additional snow on your car is very dangerous, and can even earn you a ticket or hinder visibility for the driver behind you. Always ensure you start your car up well before you plan on leaving so the engine can warm up fully. 

Driving through a blizzard

Whenever you are driving through a blizzard, always remember that your safety is the most important. So that means driving slower than the speed limit in unsafe conditions, even if you’re running late. Slower is always safer during heavy snowfall! Start breaking earlier because icy streets and highways can cause sliding, even with winter tires and salt on the ground. And if the snow is falling while you’re on the road, it’s important to be extra cautious and not lose control of your vehicle. If possible, take rest stops when needed and really take your time getting to your destination.

When you arrive at your destination

Once you arrive at your destination, there are still some steps you should take to ensure your car is in good condition the next time you drive it. First, turn off your windshield wipers. This will ensure they are in perfect condition next time you drive and won’t get damaged. Next, if you’ve parked on the street, check the parking spot you have chosen. Certain municipalities have rules surrounding street parking in the winter, especially if you’re potentially blocking snow plow access. If you can, try using indoor parking (i.e. a garage or parking garage) as to avoid any additional or continuous bad weather. 

We hope this article provided some useful you tips on how to drive more safely during the next Canadian blizzard. If you have any questions as to how your auto insurance policy could be affected by inclement weather, reach out to a member of our isure team.

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