The build up to a trip is one of the most exciting elements of travel. But how do you ensure you’re making the most of travel? Other than reading other people’s experiences, you have no real knowledge of what your experience might be. Will you enjoy the entire experience? What will you learn? What will you wish you would have done after the trip is over? There are hundreds of questions that may pop into your head before a vacation. Although these questions are important to ask during planning, they can create a forced experience during the trip. Here are four must-do travel planning and research tips, so when it comes to your travels, you can make the most of it. 

1. Get travel insurance

One of the best ways to travel without fear is by investing in adequate travel insurance for peace of mind. A good travel insurance policy will help protect you against the unexpected. Cancelled flights, lost baggage, or getting sick while travelling can be stressful. A travel insurance policy protects you by providing extra resources in case you need them. It’s one of the best investments you can make while out-of-office. You can get a no-obligation travel insurance quote in minutes with isure here.

2. Live like a local to make the most of travel

One of the best ways to make the most of travel is to live like the locals. This enables you to experience things tourists would never get to experience, such as small restaurants, local shops, and hidden hot spots. Using a service, like Airbnb, helps you live in a residential neighborhood during your trip instead of a hotel. Plus, you get the benefit of ‘local’ pricing at restaurants and shops, as tourist areas generally charge more.

3. Enjoy being a tourist

It may seem counter-intuitive based upon the previous point, but you SHOULD be a tourist when in a foreign city. Don’t be afraid to ask people for help! Most people around the world will be happy to help you out. You can even let them know you’re Canadian in polite discussion, and thanks to our stellar reputation, they’ll sometimes be even more apt to help. As a tourist, you’re not going to always figure it out yourself. So, getting someone local to help you can be a great way to make the most of your time.

4. Be open to experiences to make the most of travel

If you go somewhere with a set mindset, your experience won’t be as authentic. Instead, go into your trip with an open mind. Part of the reason we travel is to experience new places, people, and things. For example, if you’re a picky eater, make it your mission to try new things at every meal. Not a fan of art galleries? Try to visit one. If you don’t like getting drinks at a small pub, do so while you’re away. Life is short, vacations are shorter – make it memorable!

5. Enjoy the moment

Once you’re on vacation, the best thing you can do is enjoy the moment! Take pictures and videos, try local cuisine, and make memories. Vacation time is so precious, so once you’re out of office, don’t spend the whole time trying to make it ‘perfect’. The best memories and experiences are often the ones that are spur of the moment, so strike a balance between your pre-planning and the actual trip. 

6. Indulge in local cuisine

One of the most enjoyable parts of vacation is trying all the foods and drinks of another culture. Even if it doesn’t sound like something you’d enjoy, give lots of things a try! You never know what you might end up enjoying and wanting to recreate at home. Additionally, you can ask the locals their favourite restaurants and bars so you can continue ‘living like a local’ while you’re away.

7. Meet new people and make the most of travel

Another amazing benefit of travelling is getting to make new connections. This tip is especially helpful if you are travelling alone (with caution, of course). Whether it’s at a restaurant, on a guided tour, or even on the beach, making new friends is a way to make your vacation truly special. You can meet people from the place you’re visiting, or even from other countries! That way, when you plan your next vacation, you’ll have people to visit.

8. Remember to be patient

One of the hardest skills in life is unfortunately still needed on vacation: patience. Whether it’s a delayed flight, lost luggage, or inclement weather, it’s important to remember that everything will work out. Practicing patience in these unfortunate situations is the best way to ensure your vacation still runs as smoothly as possible. 

9. Read local literature

Whether it is in the native language or a translated edition, reading local literature is a great way to get a flavour for the country you are visiting before you even get there. Visit your local bookstore or do a quick search on Goodreads to discover both well-loved and new classics from your vacation destination. You may even discover a new favourite!

We hope this article shows you some of the ways you can make the most out of travel. Happy vacationing!

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