Whether you’re a new or experienced driver, brushing up on your driving habits is important. Making sure you are driving safely is crucial to making you and the drivers around you arrive safely at their destination. Here’s what you need to know about developing safe driving habits; here are 10 of some of our best tips.

1. Obey the rules of the road

This may seem like a no-brainer, but as we become more experienced drivers, we often let some of our better driving habits slide. Tailgating and speeding are the two worst offenders. Tailgating is illegal and greatly increases your chance of an at-fault accident if you rear-end someone. Any sudden stops from the person in front of you can mean trouble. You’ll have to pay more out-of-pocket and a fine, and your insurance will skyrocket as a result. Let’s face it, this is a situation nobody wants to be in!

Speeding is just as bad, as it is the leading cause of collisions. In Ontario, speeding fines can be thousands of dollars depending on how fast you go, and your vehicle can be impounded. You will be charged with higher insurance rates if you’re at fault in an accident due to high speeds. You may seem like you can get away with it due to your experience, but this is never the case!

2. Get annual check-ups

When it comes to safe driving habits, they can’t be developed if your car isn’t in a safe condition. Don’t just wait for the check engine light to come on or your engine to seize up before taking your car to the shop. Keeping your vehicle properly maintained keeps it safe on the road, running smoothly, and could save you money on your car insurance. Depending on how much you drive your car, it is a good rule of thumb to get it taken in for a check-up roughly every 6 months. Common areas to check include tires, brake systems, windshield wipers and fluid, and regular oil changes. Not only will it make your experience much safer, but it will make driving your car much more enjoyable.

3. Put down the electronics

When it comes to safe driving habits, this one is crucial, especially in this day in age! Not only is chatting or texting on your cellphone or other mobile device while driving dangerous, but it’s also against the law. In all Canadian provinces, driving while using your mobile device is illegal and the fines are costly (starting at $600). So pull over, hand your phone to a passenger, or wait until you get to your destination before responding to that text message. If your car has Apple Play features, you can activate speech responses for your text messages. However, every car is different, so read the vehicle’s manual first. Furthermore, if your car has this extension available, ensure you are in a parked position and not driving when setting it up. 

4. Know your alcohol limit – Don’t drink and drive!

How many drinks are you allowed to have and still be able to drive? One? Two? Three? The truth is, drinking under any kind of influence, even just a glass of wine, slows down your reaction time and can greatly increase your risk of a serious accident or injury. Furthermore, a DUI on your record will cost you a fortune on your insurance. In Canada, the maximum legal blood alcohol level is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood (0.08). And for drivers under the age of 21, there is zero tolerance for alcohol. When in doubt, catch a ride with a designated driver or call a cab or Uber. If you’ve been labeled an at-risk driver in the past, check out our guide on the topic.

5. Check your blind spots!

This may seem like an obvious tip, however you’d be surprised just how often people tend to forget! It is common for drivers to fail to adjust their mirrors to see as much of their blind spots as they can. Making this a habit before you hit the road is crucial. This includes checking your blind spots by scanning your rear and side mirrors. This is especially crucial when it comes to changing lanes. Being aware of what is going on around you is crucial to staying safe on the road. By failing to check your blind spots, you risk causing a serious accident. Remember to always make sure the coast is clear so that you arrive safely at your destination.

6. Leave enough space between vehicles

Let’s face it, nobody likes to be tailgated. Not only is this an annoyance for other drivers, but it is also extremely dangerous. Try to keep a four-second gap between you and the vehicle in front of you. Not only is this a less aggressive way of driving, but if a vehicle stops in front of you suddenly, there is less chance you will crash into it. On top of this, tailgating drivers puts you in the space of being hit by flying debris. This can cause dings or scratches to your paint or windows, something nobody wants!

7. Always be well rested

Getting behind the wheel on little to no sleep can greatly impair your driving. Generally, most people won’t think twice about getting behind the wheel while feeling drowsy. However, getting behind the wheel when not being fully able to focus is never a good idea. This can cause you to miss exits, and road signs, and drift in and out of your lane. You also won’t be able to give the road your full attention, which can also cause accidents. If you plan on taking a road trip or driving for an extended period, try to aim for at least seven hours of sleep the night before. If you find yourself extremely drowsy in the morning, it can be worth switching to public transit for the day.

8. Wear a seatbelt!

Unfortunately, the process of not wearing a seatbelt when getting behind the wheel is something a lot of people skip out on. Many assume if they are driving to a destination quickly it isn’t necessary. This will NEVER be the case! In the event of an accident, having your seatbelt on can save your life. Being buckled up during a crash will help you remain safe and secure inside your vehicle. Without it, there is a chance you can get thrown out of the vehicle, which will always result in death or serious injury.

9. Learn defensive driving

Practicing defensive driving is a key component of being safe while on the roads. Defensive driving is the act of motorists using accident-preventing techniques to completely focus on the road around them. This includes having your full 100% focus on the road at all given times. To be a good defensive driver, you should always assume the drivers around you will do something unheard of at any given moment. This will allow you to always be prepared no matter what gets thrown your way.

10. Telematics Insurance

Are you a safe driver and you know it? With Telematics Insurance, you can prove to your insurance provider that you are less of a risk on the road and save on your insurance premium. Telematics, or Usage-Based Insurance (UBI), involves installing a device in your vehicle that provides information regarding the driver’s braking, cornering, speed, and overall driving habits. If you are a new or young driver or have a few collisions on your record, telematics can help reduce your costs.

Safe driving habits: A conclusion

Telematics insurance is quickly becoming the way of the future and the best, customized option for drivers, so ask your broker at isure about your options!  No matter what type of insurance you’re searching for, we’re here to help. If you’re shopping around for a new insurance policy, contact us or request a car insurance quote today.

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