With the warmer weather making its announcement in Ontario, it’s safe to say we are ready for spring! However, the increase in temperature means melting snow and unfreezing of the ground outside will occur, also known as spring thaw. As a result, this season comes with a few tasks you must complete to make sure your home is not only clean but safe! Most people already take part in many winter and summer maintenance remedies. If you don’t typically, spring is the time to do so. So, let’s discuss how to prepare your home for the new season that is upon us!

What is spring thaw?

To be properly prepared for the spring thaw, we must, of course, understand what it is. If you’ve lived in Ontario long enough, you know that a little snowstorm in March isn’t unusual. What makes this different than a typical winter snowstorm is what follows. When a storm occurs during the early days of spring, it is generally followed by a bout of warmer weather. This results in the snow melting at a drastic speed, a.k.a spring thaw. When such a large amount of water surrounds your home, it can lead to situations where your home can incur water damage. This is why it is crucial to make sure you are prepared!

How can this affect my home?

When all the snow melts, it has to go somewhere! This can affect your home in many ways, many of which involve water damage. This can be pricey, and affect more than just your home and wallet. Floods can be caused from unsealed windows, cracks in the basement, or through damaged pipes. This can ruin your foundation, break your sump pump, or even damage any electronics or belongings that are within reach of the water damage. It can also infiltrate and cause damage to the interior and exterior structure of your house, as well as your roof! Some other ways the spring thaw can damage your home are as follows:

  • Water puddles and accumulation
  • Water stains on your ceilings, walls or floors
  • Cracks formed in concrete or walls
  • Mold or mildew
  • A musty smell or dampness

5 tips to avoid damage from spring thaw

There are many things you can do to avoid spring thaw damage and the water it produces. These tips are generally quite simple and worth it when it comes to protecting your home. If you find it is already too late, you should deal with any damages immediately before they turn into something more extensive, causing you more money to repair.

1. Check your sump pump

If your house has one, this is one of the first things you should check. Your sump pump is generally located in a pit in your basement and will collect water from heavy rain or melting snow. The pump will then pump it back outside before it can reach the floor level of your home. Generally, these can do a good job of preventing any flooding that occurs during the spring thaw. However, if it isn’t working properly, you can be in for some trouble, as it is likely your basement will flood with backup water. You can test if your sump pump is working correctly by dumping a bucket of water into it. If the water drains, your sump pump is functioning. It is also crucial to make sure there is no debris forming in the screen, causing it to not work properly.

2. Shovel snow away from your home

We get it, nobody likes shoveling snow! Especially after you’ve just had a full season of it. Though it can be annoying, doing one more shovel is a great way to prevent any excess water accumulation from spring thaw. Make sure to remove leftover snow away from your home’s foundation. This will prevent it from causing costly damage to your home if it melts and seeps into the foundation.

3. Keep your gutters and eavestroughs clean

Your eavestroughs are crucial when it comes to protecting your home from water damage. They are vital when it comes to directing water away from your home. On the other hand, your gutters also play an important role when it comes to directing water away from your property altogether. Making sure both your gutters and eavestroughs are clear of debris is super important when it comes to protecting your home from flooding. If you would like to go the extra mile, consider installing a screen guard on your eavestrough to prevent debris from piling up and clogging it.

4. Protect against ice damming

Ice damming happens in the winter when your attic is poorly insulated. Heat escapes from the attic and goes through the roof, melting snow to the edge. Once the snow hits the lower edge, it freezes, causing an ice dam. If you’ve ever noticed large icicles forming around the edge of your roof in the winter months, you should have a professional come to inspect your attic for heat leaks. There are many things you can do to impact the warm air escaping from your attic, such as installing pot lights.

5. Seal cracks in and around your home

Performing a quick inspection around your home for cracks in the foundation is also crucial when staying safe during the spring thaw. These cracks can occur due to moisture that has built up during the colder, winter months. Generally, these cracks can easily be sealed and repaired to prevent further damage or leaks. However, if they seem significant, you should call a professional.

Remember, keeping your home protected during the process of spring thaw is crucial when trying to avoid costly damage. Since we are on the topic of protecting your house, why not get a home insurance quote for a policy with isure? We take pride in getting you the lowest premiums possible paired with top-notch customer service. Request a quote today!

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