If you are anything like the other 10 million Canadians watching the Super Bowl game this year, you’ll most likely be at a party or hosting one yourself. Plenty of good food, drinks and some half-time fun are to be expected. However, an important thing to remember with so much added risk is the proper home insurance coverage. Why? Because as a host, you are liable for potential risk to the guests inside (and outside) your home. Read below to see how some liability insurance can help you have a stress-free time with guests during your Super Bowl party.

Super Bowl party: Liability Insurance 

So, the Super Bowl party is underway and everybody seems to be having a great time. Your food and drinks have gone over well and the house is still standing. Unfortunately, accidents do happen when you least expect them. Your guests have gone into the backyard for some snowy half-time three-on-three football fun. One of your guests goes in for a touchdown but slips on your icy patio and breaks his leg. Ouch! As a homeowner, that can potentially land you with a hefty lawsuit.

Fortunately for you though, you have purchased $2 million worth of liability coverage under your homeowner policy. As a homeowner or tenant, you are responsible for slips and falls that occur on your property. When you purchase liability insurance as part of your homeowner policy, you are covered in situations like these. Your liability insurance will help you with legal bills if you are sued and payouts for any damages caused. It will also assist you if you have to pay for someone’s medical bills. Prepare ahead of time by making sure your outdoor walkway is cleared and salted. Without liability coverage, situations like these can result in you paying a hefty amount out of pocket, so it’s crucial to be prepared.

Super Bowl party: Liquor Liability Insurance

Having a fridge stocked with beer and alcohol is common when it comes to a Super Bowl party. However, what if you have a friend who has a few too many before the night is over? Did somebody take their keys or call them an Uber or cab? Many people aren’t aware, but you can be found liable for any motor accidents that occur due to an intoxicated guest leaving your home after you have served them alcohol. Unfortunately, this is something that happens far too often. A good way to reduce some of your responsibility is to have a BYOB policy or taxi/Uber program in place. However, if you let someone leave your house with alcohol in their system, you can be equally as liable for anything that happens afterwards.

This is where Third-Party Liability Insurance comes into play. This is the portion of an insurance policy that protects you if you are sued for a physical injury or damage to someone else’s property. Without it, you can be paying a big price if any accidents occur. To prevent this, always make sure your guests have a safe way of getting home. If they don’t, be an even better host and let them stay the night to be safe.

Your legal liability as a ‘social host’

According to Ontario’s host liability law, someone who holds a party or gathering on their property is considered a “social host.” This is the case whether or not they provide the alcohol or organize a BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle) event. The “social host” in Ontario is categorized as someone who is not selling alcohol for profit or someone who is serving alcohol on a premise in which they have control. It can also be categorized as someone who has a unique, non-employer relationship with their guests. Though having a BYOB party may reduce some responsibility on your part, it will likely not eliminate it.

Many hosts think that once their guests leave, they are no longer their responsibility. This, as mentioned previously, is not the case. Anything that happens once your guests leave can still result in a lawsuit against you for over-serving. This is why making sure your guests are safe when drinking is crucial! If you would like to learn more, check out our article on Liquor Liability Insurance.

Insurance options for your Super Bowl party

Overall, if you are hosting a Super Bowl party, you have a few options when it comes to insurance coverage. If you plan on having a larger party, you’ll want to get a liquor licence and Liquor Liability Insurance. Luckily, these options are quite cheap. A permit for a liquor licence is only $25 a day at the LCBO, and additional insurance coverage can be as low as $150. If you are hosting a smaller gathering with family or friends, all you’ll need is proper home insurance coverage. You never know who may decide to throw an errant football pass through your $2,000 smart TV. Contact your isure broker to confirm your current policy, and whether you require additional coverage.

Party Liability Insurance (PAL Insurance)

If you have plans on going above and beyond for your Superbowl party, or any party for that matter, you may want to consider Party Liability Insurance. This is generally fitting for companies that regularly throw parties where alcohol will be served. It is important to remember that you need a valid liquor licence to throw a party legally. When acquiring PAL insurance, it is important to figure out the venue in which you will be throwing the event. On top of this, you must figure out the amount of coverage you may need. Generally, these factors will be determined by how many people you plan on inviting.

Now that you know everything there is to know about throwing a safe and fun Super Bowl party, you are ready to go! Make sure you take care of the minor details and make it a perfect Super Bowl by picking the right insurance coverage. Most importantly, please remember: don’t drink and drive! If you are looking to learn more, call us or request a quote today.

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