Working from home has become the norm for most people in Ontario. With less need to perform the daily commute, you may be wondering if you need more than one vehicle in your home. Due to this, there has been an increased interest in selling vehicles privately, bringing to light many questions surrounding private car sales and transferring ownership. Here is a breakdown of what a used vehicle information package is and why you need one before selling your used car.

What is a Used Vehicle Information Package (UVIP)?

A Used Vehicle Information Package (or UVIP) are documents that are required in order to sell a used vehicle in Ontario. It’s offered by the Government of Ontario to help buyers with the purchase of a used vehicle. UVIPs contain information about the vehicle, including a description of the vehicle and its Ontario history. As the seller, you are legally required to provide the buyer with the UVIP because it protects the buyer’s rights.

What does the UVIP package contain?

 The UVIP contains a complete history of the car in Ontario, including:

  • Details about the vehicle, including year, make, model, colour, body type, number of cylinders and power
  • Information about the vehicle attached to the plate number
  • Whether or not it has been damaged
  • Vehicle registration history in Ontario, including all present and previous owners with their city of residence and odometer reading
  • Vehicle lien information i.e if money is owed to a third party, a lien claimant has a right to the car or the amount owed from the current owner
  • The average wholesale value of the vehicle – minimum value on which Retail Sales Tax (RST) will apply
  • Retail Sales Tax (RST) information
  • Condition of the vehicle
  • Bill of sale section
  • Driver suspensions
  • The condition of the vehicle, including whether it’s mechanically unfit or has not received a Safety Standards Certificate

What is the cost of a UVIP and where can I get it?

According to the Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council (OMVIC), “private sellers of most motor vehicles must provide buyers with a Used Vehicle Information Package (UVIP). The UVIP costs $20 and is available from all Ministry of Transportation Driver and Vehicle License Issuing Offices.”

How long is the Used Vehicle Information Package valid?

The UVIP has no expiry date. You need an original and undamaged used vehicle information package to sell a vehicle privately.

How do I order a UVIP?

 To order a used vehicle information package, you will need:

  • The vehicle identification number (VIN) or the license plate number of the car
  • Your Ontario driver’s license number or registrant identification number (RIN) and/or
  • Your name and address

Where can I get the Used Vehicle Information Package?

You can get the package both online or in person at any Service Ontario centre. It will be sent out to you by mail within 5 business days.

When don’t I need to have a Used Vehicle Information Package?

According to the Government of Ontario website, you can sell or transfer ownership of a vehicle without this document if:

  • You are purchasing from a registered used vehicle dealer
  • It is a sale between taxi license holders
  • If the sale is between family members
  • The vehicle was sold outside of Ontario
  • It is a charitable donation to a licensed religious or benevolent organization
  • The vehicle is sold or transferred to a hospital, local service board, municipality, school board, university or college
  • It is a prize for registered lotteries or raffles

Have more questions? We’re here to help! Contact your isure broker to discuss all of your insurance questions regarding private car sales.

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