Whether you’re in a big city or a small town, there’s a good chance the vehicle you own is something you rely heavily on. This is why many people go to great lengths to make sure their vehicles are safe and secure. It’s no secret that car theft has been on the rise in the GTA within the last year. Unfortunately, the problem does not seem to be slowing down any time soon. With technology and thieves evolving faster than anyone can imagine, auto theft in the country continues to drastically rise. Back in April, Scarborough alone was reporting almost fifty car thefts in one week. Luckily, law enforcement is doing their best to catch up with the crime. In fact, they have recorded up to $27 million in stolen vehicles found, with over 100 different people charged for the crimes.

27% of Canadians are worried about auto theft

With such a high rate of vehicle thefts occurring within the country, there is no questioning why Canadians are concerned. According to a recent survey conducted on behalf of RATESDOTCA and BNN Bloomberg, around 27% who have a vehicle of their own are worried about it being stolen. Not only are these thefts expensive occurrences and an inconvenience, they will also affect your car insurance premiums. In fact, simply owning a vehicle that has a high likelihood of being stolen can increase your premiums. Unfortunately, it seems as if even though some cars are more stolen than others, no vehicle is simply “off limits.” Thus, some drivers are more worried than others:

Of the 27% of respondents who are worried about theft:

  • 30% make less than $60K per year
  • 28% of those make between $60K and $99.9K
  • 24% of those make $100K or more

Those who make less than $60k per year seem to be the most concerned. This can be due to the cost of new and used vehicles climbing higher every day, and the lack of affordability that comes with it.

85% of Canadians are taking precautions against auto theft

With such a high amount of cars being stolen, a majority of Canadians are making an effort to keep their vehicle safe and secure from theft. Of those taking precautions, 47% live in suburban areas, 38% live in urban areas and 14% in rural areas. Out of 85% that take precaution, 30% rely on security technology. This includes GPS trackers, alarm systems and cameras outside of their home. This is most likely the best direction to go in regards to keeping your car safe, since security devices can actually lower the price you pay on your insurance premiums.

Many insurance companies are doing their part. For example, Aviva recently created an incentive for their insured customers to install Tag anti-theft technology at no cost. With this, if any vehicles are stolen, they can be traced regardless of whether its cellular antenna is intact. If you are curious as to which measures you should take to lower your premiums through theft prevention, your best bet is to contact your insurance provider.

13% of Canadians are not taking precautions

Despite the high rate of vehicle thefts, many Canadians are not taking proper precautions. Of the 13% of Canadians who take no precautions, 91% simply aren’t worried about auto theft. For peace of mind, be sure to look into comprehensive car insurance as part of your auto policy, which will protect you in the event that your car is stolen. If not, you will have to pay out of pocket when it comes to getting a new vehicle.

Remember, whether you are worried or not, it is best to make sure your insurance policies are up to date and able to protect you. If you are in the market for a new auto policy or need to make a claim, contact isure today. Contact us or request a quote today!

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