Move Over Law in Ontario – Ontario Provincial Police say they’re targeting drivers who fail to slow down and safely move over for roadside emergency vehicles. This is especially true during long weekends. The OPP has concerns about the number of drivers who ignore Ontario’s Move Over Law and place police, other emergency personnel and tow truck operators, at risk. Here are some answers to the most common questions about the Move Over Law in Ontario.

What is the new change to this law in Ontario?

Slow down, move over is a law that the Ontario government has put in place to remind drivers to slow down and move over for emergency vehicles and tow trucks. It is meant to improve the safety of workers and drivers when they see flashing lights behind them or approach a scene.

Are any vehicles exempt from the Move Over Law?

Yes, there are some vehicles that have exemption from this law. The vehicles exempt from following the move over law include fire trucks, police cars, ambulances, tow trucks, and highway maintenance vehicles. If you see one of these vehicles on the side of the road with its emergency lights on, you should slow down and move over, if possible.

Do you have to follow Move Over Law while driving in a roundabout?

No, you don’t have to follow the Move Over Law while driving in a roundabout. However, you should yield to traffic on the right and use caution when entering and exiting the roundabout.

How do I fight a Move Over Law violation ticket?

If you are pulled over and receive a ticket for violating the MOL, there are a few things that you can do to fight the ticket and avoid paying the fines:

  • Consult with an attorney who specializes in traffic violations.
  • Gather evidence to support your case. This may include eyewitness testimony from passengers in your vehicle or other drivers who saw the incident occur.
  • You will also want to obtain a copy of the police report from the officer who gave you the ticket. This report will contain important information that can help build your defense.

Can an ambulance report you for not stopping?

If an ambulance is behind you with emergency lights and sirens operating, you have an obligation as a driver to pull over and stop. But that’s all. The ambulance crew cannot get out and write you a traffic citation. That is the job of law enforcement.

Can you run a red light for an ambulance?

Running a red light can still lead to a fine if you are moving out the way of an emergency service vehicle. Examples that serve a heavy fine include: entering a bus lane or driving through a red traffic light.

Is the law of Move Over for emergency vehicles the same in other provinces of Canada?

The law of Move Over for emergency vehicles may vary from one province to another in Canada. In Ontario, the law requires motorists to slow down and move over when they see an emergency vehicle with lights flashing approaching. If you cannot move over safely, you must slow down to 60 km/h. Each province has its own legislation governing the law of move over for emergency vehicles, so it is best to check with your local authorities to determine the specific requirements in your province.

Are tow trucks covered by this law?

They are. If you notice a tow truck with flashing amber lights on the side of the road, you have a legal requirement to slow down and proceed with caution.

Can violating this law affect my insurance?

Yes, violating the Move Over Law can affect your insurance, according to the Highway Traffic Act. If you are involved in an accident while violating this law, your insurance company may refuse to pay out your claim. Additionally, if you face a conviction of not obeying it, you can receive a ticket and fine, which can lead to an increase in your car insurance.

As drivers, we must drive defensively to keep emergency responders safe while they do their jobs. Be sure to keep focus on the road. If you have questions about how violating Ontario’s Move Over law may affect your auto insurance rates, contact one of our isure representatives today.

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