Whether it’s a cozy cabin, a nice cottage, or an Airbnb in the city, rental getaways are some of the most popular methods of getting away. In fact, thousands of people every day are renting out spaces and putting theirs up for rent. However, the world of renting can be stressful, confusing and tricky! How do I know if I’m getting the best deal? How do I know my items are safe and secure? These are all questions people who are renting are asking. Luckily, isure has you covered with everything you need to know when it comes to a rental property. So, whether you are putting your own space up for rent, or are in the market for a nice weekend getaway, you can rest easy knowing what to do!

Someone looking to rent/book a rental property

1. Book your rental property early

We’ve all heard the saying “the early bird gets the worm.” Well, this is especially true when it comes to finding a rental property. Consider booking a month or two in advance of your trip in order to get a nice, affordable space. This is especially true when it comes to getaways that are season-oriented. If you’re booking a winter cottage, consider booking in the fall. Alternatively, if a work event is sending you to New York in May, consider booking an Airbnb in March. Waiting until the last minute can really put a damper on your getaway when you end up in a space that is not the prettiest or you have to pay more.

2. Consider amenities

When booking a cottage, people generally want a full suite of amenities. A powerboat, a pool, beach and a nice playground are all huge bonuses when it comes to having a great time. However, what happens if it decides to rain on your vacation? Considering nearby amenities in town for when the weather doesn’t cooperate is huge. This can save you from having to staying inside and endure boredom during your getaway! If you are renting a space in the city, it’s a good idea to consider places to eat and public transportation. When you aren’t near a subway or bus, you may have to consider renting a car. If you don’t plan correctly, it can result in more money out of your pocket!

3. Read the reviews of your rental property

We all know just how easy sites, such as Airbnb, have made finding rentals. However, one particular aspect that is useful is the ability to read and post user reviews. There is no better way of figuring out if a place is worth staying at than by reading the reviews of others who have done so. Sure, the pictures and price may look nice, but what if there are unmentioned deteriments to the place? It can be located near a bar, which means you might have sleepless nights, or the host may not clean the space to your standards. All in all, reading reviews is crucial when it comes to finding the perfect rental property!

4. Don’t pay less if it means sacrificing quality

Like anything in life, when it comes to rentals, what you pay for is what you get. Sure, it can be tempting to book that Airbnb that is half price. However, sometimes spending a bit more means you can rest easy knowing you’ll be in good hands. A comfier bedroom, a nicer kitchen and bathroom and a good area are all incredible ways to have a more enjoyable experience. Remember, if you pick the cheapest option, you have to be okay with it since you’ll be staying there for the duration of your trip.

5. Ask around, if possible

Before you set off on a hunt for the perfect rental, it’s a good idea to ask around for some advice. By asking friends or relatives where they have rented in the past, you may find a hidden gem. Sometimes, these gems aren’t available on the front page of rental sites. So, doing a bit of research beforehand can help you find the perfect getaway!

Someone looking to lease their rental property

1. Set a competitive price for your rental property

Before you put your listing on the internet for rent, it’s a smart idea to do some research first! Look into what cottages and Airbnb’s around you are charging for a stay. Once you’ve done so, consider what amenities you are offering. Do you have a boat that renters can use? A nice pool? Do you live in a condo building that offers amenities? Is public transportation or Uber service easily accessible? If you’re looking to rent your cottage, list any fun activities that are nearby in town. If you are in the city, list any popular restaurants or shops close by.

2. Show off your space!

When it comes to posting your booking online, do your best to include everything there is to know. Take photos or hire a professional photographer and stager to make your listing look its best. Nothing makes a place look more unappealing than some low tier photographs that don’t capture the essence of the space and ambience you’re trying to create.

3. Safety first

When people are searching for a rental, safety is one of the first things that comes to mind. Make sure your home has babyproofing and is free from any potential hazards. If there is something that you believe may be a hazard to yourself or people staying, it’s in your best interest to fix it before putting your space up for rent. This is because you can face a potential lawsuit if someone hurts themselves due to something you could have prevented. On top of this, items that are damaged can become more costly if damaged further by guests.

4. Clean up

Nobody wants to enter a rental space and find it to be a complete mess. Remember to have your house as clean as it was in the photographs you used in your posting. Put away any personal belongings you have, and be sure that anything you’re keeping at your rental space you can, in theory, live without. Your fancy camera, your expensive wine glasses or your rare art should be taken with you to avoid anything being broken or stolen. Additionally, there are cleaning fees you can charge to have the place properly sanitized in between visitors.

5. Get your rental property insured

When it comes to renting out your space, being adequately insured should be your top priority. Sometimes, things happen that are outside of your own control, so being safe in case something happens is crucial. Call your isure broker to discuss tenant or rental property insurance to be sure you are fully covered. If not, it might be time to switch providers! Whether you are the one renting or putting your space up for rent, we will make sure you are covered.

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