With Fall just around the corner, many people are getting excited for the beautiful weather ahead! From the crisp air to the scenic views, there is no question as to why Fall is a favourite season for many. One of the many ways to enjoy the beautiful autumn weather is by taking a drive to your favourite scenic destination or event. However, many seem to forget the many dangers that come with the cold weather. Luckily for you, isure has everything you need to know when it comes to driving safely in the Fall. This way, you can make it to your destination safely and without hassle! Here are our top 15 driving tips for fall to keep you safe while driving this season.

1. Be aware of leaves on the road

One of the biggest hazards to look out for on the road this autumn is leaves. Though they are pretty, they can be a massive hazard when it comes to driving! As the leaves continue to fall this season, they can often clog up roadways. Additionally, when the weather changes, frozen and wet leaves are important to be wary of to avoid tires from slipping. It is also important to make sure you are regularly cleaning leaves off of your vehicle and driveway. This will make sure your car runs smoothly and your driveway is slip-free!

2. Look out for school zones

Nothing says fall like getting ready to go back to school! With students back in the classroom this fall, it’s important to look out for school zones. No matter the type of day, kids will always be in the area of school zones. It is your priority and job as a driver to make sure that they get to and from school safely! Make sure to obey the speed limits surrounding school zones, and yield to pedestrians. Even driving 10 km over the speed limit in a school zone can result in a $95 speeding ticket.

3. Watch for frost on your windows

As the weather can cool down quickly in autumn, it’s important to watch for frost on your car windows. This is especially true during those cold late November mornings!  Frost can affect your visibility when driving. The best way to get rid of frost on your windows is to use a scraper, so make sure you have one handy in your car ahead of the Winter season, when frost becomes much more apparent.

4. Look out for deer on the road

Though this may only apply to certain areas of Ontario, it is absolutely crucial! It’s always important to look out for deer on the road, but with the unpredictable weather in autumn, it’s very important to stay alert. Always pay attention to road signs, and slow down if you see an animal crossing sign. According to driving experts, you should brake firmly and honk the horn if you come in contact with a deer instead of swerving. This will make sure the deer can safely move out of the way without injury to itself or you!

5. Check your wiper blades

Your wiper blades will come in handy when the weather starts to turn during the fall season. It’s important to make sure they are in good working condition. You can also be proactive and install winter wiper blades so you’re prepared for any upcoming weather. This is one of many important driving tips for fall to remember! This is because leaves can get stuck in your windshield and cause an unclear view of the road. 

6. Check your tire pressure

Another tip for driving in autumn is to check your tire pressure. It’s always important to check your tire pressure, but even more so when preparing for the colder seasons. The changing temperatures can cause your tires to expand and contract, therefore changing your tire pressure. Driving with poor tire pressure is extremely dangerous, especially with slippery fall roads. Getting this checked is crucial for staying safe this fall!

7. Give plenty of stopping room

It’s important to give yourself plenty of stopping room between you and the driver in front of you. Slippery roads and inclement weather can make it harder to control your car, especially when braking suddenly. Giving yourself plenty of room helps keep you and the drivers around you safe. Of course, this is a rule that should be followed year-round! However, wet leaves make for a very slippery surface, so it is important to be more diligent in the Fall weather.

8. Prepare for changing weather conditions

Fall weather is unpredictable, so do keep this in mind before hitting the road this season. Always check the weather before getting into your car, and judge accordingly. The roads are often slippery in autumn, so if you aren’t comfortable driving in these conditions, ask another person to drive, when possible. Always keep this in mind as one of our top driving tips for fall.

9. Schedule a tune-up

To make sure your car is ready for anything, it’s a great idea to schedule a tune-up at your mechanic. The mechanic will address any issues with your car, especially ones you may not be aware of. This tune-up will let you drive with confidence this autumn. On top of this, you can make sure your car is safe when it comes to the wet and slippery Fall leaves.

10. Use your low beams when driving in fog

It’s important to use your low beams when driving in fog. Fog is common in the fall, so it’s important to be prepared. Choose your low beams over your high beams, as brighter lights will reflect off the fog, making it harder to see. If there is a time to make sure your beams are checked and ready to be on, it is now!

11. Check your headlights

Your headlights will help you see clearly in the dark. And with the unpredictability of driving in autumn, your headlight maintenance will be very important for this time of year. Make sure your headlights are aimed forward, clean, and are working correctly!

12. Install winter tires

Although autumn weather is usually more mild than an Ontario winter, it’s a good idea to install winter tires early. Once the weather drops below 7 degrees celsius, book an appointment to have winter tires installed. This way, you will be prepared for any cold weather at the drop of a hat! Besides, we all know just how short a Fall in Ontario can seem! It will be Winter with snow on the ground before you know it!

13. Take your time when turning corners

To safely drive in the fall, take your time when turning corners. Turning can be dangerous on slippery roads, so proceed with caution and take your time. This tip is especially important to remember when turning a blind corner suddenly. This can be a good habit to get into before the Winter weather comes!

14. Watch out for black ice

Although it is not winter yet, autumn weather can often include black ice on the roads. On particularly colder days, black ice can form unexpectedly. Take caution when driving, especially on days when the weather is close to freezing temperatures. This is especially the case when it comes to those chilly frost-covered mornings that Fall in Ontario brings us!

15. Be aware of sun glare

It is often sunny in the fall, and with it getting darker, sooner, the sun tends to rise and set when roads are busiest. So, it is also important to be aware of unexpected sun glare. This can obscure your view when driving, so keep a pair of sunglasses handy and always use your sun visor when necessary.

Although you may want to take in the colourful sights while behind the wheel, keep in mind our top safety driving tips for fall. Remember, making sure you are prepared for Fall comes with making sure your insurance is up to date! Are you in the market for new auto insurance? Why not check out isure? We have some of the best premiums as well as customer service you can count on! Contact us or request a quote today! Happy autumn!

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