Whether you are a new driver or looking to brush up on the rules of the road, the Ontario driver’s handbook is a great resource to answer your questions. In this article, we’ve organized the top five most frequently-asked questions about this important resource.

1. Where can you get the Ontario driver’s handbook?

You can pick up a copy of the driver’s handbook at many locations across the province. They are sold at Service Ontario locations, along with gas stations and convenience stores. Additionally, they are sold at all DriveTest locations. You can also find this resource at your local Walmart. 

2. Why do you need the Ontario driver’s handbook?

Our province’s driver’s handbook is the definitive guide to driving safely in Ontario, and it is required by law for all drivers to understand the contents of it. As stated on the Ontario Government’s official website, “Driving is a privilege, not a right.” This resource is also a clear summary of the rules of the road, and includes documents such as the Highway Traffic Act, the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act, and the Off-Road Vehicles Act of Ontario. The Ministry of Transportation uses these documents to ensure safety across Ontario, along with a communal understanding of these rules and regulations. 

3. What road test requires it?

When you are preparing for your G2 road test, you will need the Ontario driver’s handbook to help you prepare. In addition, this handbook contains all the information you’ll need to pass your G1 written test. Drivers can both review the content from their G1 written test and become familiar with the rules of the road and what skills will be tested during their G2 test. This includes parallel parking and parking uphill or downhill. Additionally, drivers should review the laws of driving in Ontario, such as occupancy in the car as a new driver. We’ve got everything you need to know about G1 licence restrictions and G2 licence restrictions.

4. What information is in the Ontario driver’s handbook?

As previously mentioned, the Ontario driver’s handbook features all of the information you need to be a safe driver in Ontario. Explaining laws, rules of the road, and tips for new drivers, this resource has all of the information you’ll need to legally drive in the province of Ontario. The information within is intended to help Ontario drivers maintain a clean driving record and good driving habits every time they take the wheel. Additionally, the Ontario driver’s handbook provides information on how to obtain a car, bus, or motorcycle licence. 

5. Is there an online version?

There is an online version of the Ontario driver’s handbook on the Ontario Government’s website. This online version features all the same information as the physical copy, and is an easy and quick option. There’s also an option to print the online version if you prefer. 

We hope this article helps to answer some of your questions about the Ontario driver’s handbook. Safe driving!

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