Best Kingston Home Insurance Rates

Are you looking for Kignston Home Insurance?  Kingston is an Ontario city full of rich Canadian history and breathtaking views of the St. Lawrence river. The home of Canada’s first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, has transformed quite a bit since 1867. On summer weekends, you can take the free ferry to Wolfe Island for some ice cream and a beach day. During the school year, the downtown core is full of young life! 

Full-time residents know just how special Kingston is! Many of the homes in Kingston are older homes and line the city’s streets beautifully. Unfortunately, with older homes, there are a few types of damage that can’t be prevented, no matter how hard you try. Fire, broken pipes and lightning are three risks that are out of a homeowner’s control, and can only be managed with the proper insurance coverage. For your Kingston home insurance quote, choose isure! 

The isure Home Insurance Advantage

Home insurance may appear the same, but there are stark differences between policies. All home insurance can cover the basics, but with isure, you don’t have to worry about costly additions to your policy. We ensure what you need is what you get every time, all with exceptional customer service.


Obtaining an insurance policy is a big deal, and isure knows that. We know finding the right policy for you can be stress-inducing, but we’ve got five reasons why you should trust isure to be your Kingston home insurance broker:

Personalized Attention

Our personalized service allows us to stand out from any other insurance brokerage. We aim to always make you feel like more than just a policy number. When you call isure, you are assigned a broker who will handle all matters that have to do with your policy from that point forward. We will make an effort to get to know you like a friend, not just a broker.

Responsive Claims

Our claims services are available each day of the year for 24 hours of the day. We know you can’t control things like the weather or Mother Nature, so you shouldn’t have to wait to make a claim. We push through claims even on holidays to help get you back into your Kingston home faster.


isure can save you money everywhere and our policies save you money without sacrificing coverage. We shop for the best rates and offer you at least 10 policy options to choose from.

Insight And Attention

When it comes down to choosing your policy, we will explain each of your options transparently. Our goal is for you to understand your insurance policy just as well as we do. Not everyone is an insurance expert, but with the right explanation, you can at least be an expert when it comes to your personal coverage.

Control Over Your Policy

Want to add to your policy? Looking to bundle home and auto insurance? With isure, doing both is easy! We want you to be involved in controlling your home insurance policy, so call your isure broker to make any changes, any time.

Get the leading insurance policies with the best personalized options you deserve.

Not sure where and how to start?

isure experts are here to HELP you.