Best Home Insurance rates in Richmond Hill

If you love working hard during the day and relaxing in a quiet neighbourhood at night, Richmond Hill might be the perfect location for you! Since Richmond Hill is close to Toronto, there is no shortage of careers or activities to pursue. The city itself is also home to many great golf courses and restaurants, so there is a lot to do after work or on the weekends as well!

Although it’s not a requirement to have home insurance, it is essential to have if you want to protect your most expensive investment! If this is your first time pursuing home insurance, looking for a new home insurer, or better home insurance coverage, it can be a bit confusing and overwhelming. You have to research what each home insurance policy covers in Richmond Hill, how much you want to spend, and how to actually buy a policy.

The isure Home Insurance Advantage

At isure, we know how many countless hours you and your partner have worked to save up enough money to buy a house in Richmond Hill, and it’s our mission to help you get the most comprehensive and affordable home insurance policy.

Your professional Richmond Hill home insurance broker from isure will provide you with quick and comprehensive home insurance quotes and will go over them with you to ensure you aren’t surprised by any fine print. Gain peace of mind knowing that we focus all of our energy on finding the best Richmond Hill home insurance coverage. We will contact over 25 of the largest certified insurers in Richmond Hill for the best quotes available.

When you call isure, you will be placed with a personal home insurance broker who will go through your insurance needs for your home or can help improve your current coverage and discover new discounts.

Why Trust isure as your Richmond Hill Home Insurance Broker?

Personalized Attention

We offer phone, email and online chat for your convenience. We will always be there for you when you need us the most. If disaster strikes in your area, your insurance broker will also preemptively call you to ensure that you and your family are OK.

Responsive Claims

Did a tree fall through your roof during a heavy storm? Was your house broken into while you were on vacation? Don’t worry, that’s what home insurance is for! At isure, our claims response is open 24/7/365! When you call us, we will get your claim moving immediately!

More Savings

With all of our isure approved insurers, we can offer some of the best discounts compared to other online insurance brokers and more discounts than any direct insurance company. Your personal isure home insurance broker has the ability to get further savings for you without sacrificing any coverage! We can also educate you on safeguards that will reduce your premiums.

Insight And Attention

Your friendly isure home insurance broker in Richmond Hill will always provide trustworthy, knowledgeable, and transparent advice. They will objectively go through each quote and let you know what will be covered in detail.

Control Your Home Insurance Policy

When you work with isure, you can quickly register, change and manage your policy.

Get the leading insurance policies with the best personalized options you deserve.

Not sure where and how to start?

isure experts are here to HELP you.


Home Insuranceinews
electrical damage - On fire multi-socket with the connected power strip with a bunch of plugs on wood background
Electrical Damage: Is it Covered by Your Policy?

Electrical Damage: Is it Covered by Your Policy?

Most home insurance policies in Ontario may cover electrical damage, but only to a certain extent. Each policy and provider is different. However, there are some instances in which electrical damage would be covered. So, in this article, let’s break down the cases in which home insurance would cover electrical damage.