Home Insurance Broker in Waterloo

Waterloo is a small city in Ontario but it is full of culture and areas to explore! There are many great neighbourhoods to choose from that are surrounded by pristine green spaces to enhance your quality of life. After a long day at work or school, you can explore the parks to get back to nature. Much like how nature can lower your emotional stress levels, home insurance can help lower your financial stress levels.

Although it’s not a requirement to have home insurance, it is essential to have if you want to protect your most expensive investment! If this is your first time pursuing home insurance, looking for a new home insurer, or better home insurance coverage, it can be a bit confusing and overwhelming. You have to research what each home insurance policy covers in Waterloo, how much you want to spend, and how to actually buy a policy.

The isure Home Insurance Advantage

At isure, we know how many countless hours you and your partner have worked to save up enough money to buy a house in Waterloo, and it’s our mission to help you get the most comprehensive and affordable home insurance policy.

Your professional Waterloo home insurance broker from isure will provide you with quick and comprehensive home insurance quotes and will go over them with you to ensure you aren’t surprised by any fine print. Gain peace of mind knowing that we focus all of our energy on finding the best Waterloo home insurance coverage. We will contact over 25 of the largest certified insurers in Waterloo for the best quotes available.

When you call isure, you will be placed with a personal Ontario home insurance broker who will go through your insurance needs for your home or can help improve your current coverage and discover new discounts.

Why Trust isure as your Owen Sound Home Insurance Broker?

Personalized Attention

You are never just a number at isure because each client has their own agent that looks after their policy needs and claims. Our agents listen to your situation and can identify insurance options you may not have known existed otherwise. Learn what a personal touch can do for your insurance with isure.

Responsive Claims

If you have to make a claim on your policy, chances are you aren’t having the best day. Our claims service is not only available 24/7, but our friendly staff makes the process as stress-free as possible. We make sure we clearly understand your immediate needs, and find solutions to your problems as soon as we can.


Save more money with isure’s rate shopping! We find a collection of rates for different home insurance policies, then present each to you. Our rate shopping can nearly guarantee you won’t find a lower rate – see for yourself when you get a quote from us.

Insight And Attention

At isure, we know that the chances of you being an insurance expert are relatively low, though we do think you should be an expert when it comes to your own insurance. In an effort to make you an expert, we explain each policy’s terms with transparency and accuracy.

Control Your Home Insurance Policy

Having your own control over your coverage is a top priority at isure. We want you to be involved in the coverage process so that you don’t have to question when you are and aren’t covered.

Get the leading insurance policies with the best personalized options you deserve.

Not sure where and how to start?

isure experts are here to HELP you.


Home Insuranceinews
electrical damage - On fire multi-socket with the connected power strip with a bunch of plugs on wood background
Electrical Damage: Is it Covered by Your Policy?

Electrical Damage: Is it Covered by Your Policy?

Most home insurance policies in Ontario may cover electrical damage, but only to a certain extent. Each policy and provider is different. However, there are some instances in which electrical damage would be covered. So, in this article, let’s break down the cases in which home insurance would cover electrical damage.