Get the home insurance coverage you need in Vaughan

Owning a home is an exciting milestone for anyone lucky enough to experience it. But it also comes with the responsibility of properly protecting your investment. At isure, our experienced brokers make obtaining comprehensive and affordable Vaughan home insurance easy.

As one of Ontario’s top brokerages, we compare policies from over 25 leading national and regional insurance carriers. This allows us to provide you with the best rates and coverage options tailored to your unique needs.

Comprehensive Policy Reviews

Our advisors thoroughly review your current policy or will walk through building a new one from the ground up. We take the time to go over what’s covered, what’s excluded, limits, deductibles and more. Our experts identify any coverage gaps and make recommendations to improve protection.

Streamlined Purchasing And Management

Our online portal makes getting insured simple: Answer some questions to receive your quote. Purchase and manage your policy all on your schedule. Our platform allows you to update details, make payments, file claims, and access documents easily.

Insurance Education Resources

We focus on informing our clients by providing insurance literacy materials and advice. Our advisors thoroughly explain policy details and are always happy to answer any questions you may have. We want you to understand all of your coverage options so you can make empowered and informed decisions with our support, of course.

Quotes From Leading Insurers

With access to over 25 top insurance carriers in Canada, we compare rates and coverage options across the marketplace. This allows us to leverage our negotiating power to source you the optimal home insurance policy at a competitive price. We find you the right coverage tailored to fit your unique property.

Ongoing Policy Optimization

We continually monitor the insurance market to ensure your policy keeps pace with your changing needs. Before renewal, our advisors proactively reach out with recommendations to review coverages, limits, deductibles, and more to identify savings. We optimize your policy as your situation evolves.

Superior Claims Support

If the unfortunate happens, have confidence knowing we offer 24/7 claims assistance if it is not within our regular business hours. Our helpful representatives will guide you through the claims process, help out with any paperwork, and follow up to ensure prompt and fair resolution. We’re here when you need us most!

The isure Home Insurance Advantage

At isure, we know how many countless hours you and your partner have worked to save up enough money to buy a house in Vaughan, and it’s our mission to help you get the most comprehensive and affordable home insurance policy.

Your professional Vaughan home insurance broker from isure will provide you with quick and comprehensive home insurance quotes and will go over them with you to ensure you aren’t surprised by any fine print. Gain peace of mind knowing that we focus all of our energy on finding the best Vaughan home insurance coverage. We will contact over 25 of the largest certified insurers in Vaughan for the best quotes available.

When you call isure, you will be placed with a personal Ontario home insurance broker who will go through your insurance needs for your home or can help improve your current coverage and discover new discounts.

Why Trust isure as your Owen Sound Home Insurance Broker?

Personalized Attention

You are never just a number at isure because each client has their own agent that looks after their policy needs and claims. Our agents listen to your situation and can identify insurance options you may not have known existed otherwise. Learn what a personal touch can do for your insurance with isure.

Responsive Claims

If you have to make a claim on your policy, chances are you aren’t having the best day. Our claims service is not only available 24/7, but our friendly staff makes the process as stress-free as possible. We make sure we clearly understand your immediate needs, and find solutions to your problems as soon as we can.


Save more money with isure’s rate shopping! We find a collection of rates for different home insurance policies, then present each to you. Our rate shopping can nearly guarantee you won’t find a lower rate – see for yourself when you get a quote from us.

Insight And Attention

At isure, we know that the chances of you being an insurance expert are relatively low, though we do think you should be an expert when it comes to your own insurance. In an effort to make you an expert, we explain each policy’s terms with transparency and accuracy.

Control Your Home Insurance Policy

Having your own control over your coverage is a top priority at isure. We want you to be involved in the coverage process so that you don’t have to question when you are and aren’t covered.

Get the leading insurance policies with the best personalized options you deserve.

Factors That Affect Your Home Insurance In Vaughan

If you’re considering buying home insurance in Vaughan, it’s important to know that there are a number of factors that can affect the price.

The Age of your Home
Older homes are more likely to have problems with water damage and mould, which can lead to higher claims. According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, older homes are also more likely to be targeted by fire because they’re often made from flammable materials, such as wood and paper. Older homes also have a higher risk of being affected by disasters, such as flooding or hail (which can result in “catastrophic” claims).
Whether you live in a Rural or Urban area
Rural areas tend to see fewer hazards than urban ones, so you may be able to save on your insurance premiums if you live outside the city limits. However, if you live in an extremely isolated area where there’s little access to emergency services, then it might be worth considering moving closer into town—especially if there’s already been one major storm or disaster while living there.
Construction Materials

There are many types of construction that your home can have. Some are more expensive than others, and some are less likely to incur certain kinds of damage.

Wood frame construction is the least expensive type of home construction. It’s the most common type of home in Vaughan, and it costs the least to build because it doesn’t require as much material or labour as other types of homes do.

Brick and concrete constructions are more expensive than wood frame constructions, but cheaper than steel or aluminum constructions (those use metal instead). They’re both highly fire-resistant and last a long time if they aren’t damaged by anything else first! However, their downfall lies in how heavy they can get when wet; if there’s too much water around them, then all those bricks might start falling right off your house over time.

Property Claims History
The claims history of your property is the record of any damage that has occurred and the repair costs associated.

The number of claims you’ve made on a property is an important factor in determining its risk profile because it indicates how much damage has been done in the past, as well as how long it took to get it repaired.

The more claims that have been made, the higher your insurance premiums are likely to be. You’ll also pay more if you’ve had a claim for something serious, such as water damage or fire damage—these types of repairs can cost tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on what was damaged.

In addition to this information showing up on your policy renewal notice each year, when you buy new coverage (or renew existing policies), your insurer will ask about any claims that were made during their previous period. If they discover there were several claims, but only one deductible paid each time (and thus few out-of-pocket expenses), they may assume that these weren’t real damages after all and consider them fraudulent attempts at defrauding them into paying for non-existent problems!

What’s Covered By Home Insurance In Vaughan

Purchasing a home is likely one of the biggest financial investments you’ll make. To protect this asset, having proper home insurance coverage is essential. But with the many options and factors to consider, determining what needs to be covered can be confusing. Below, we break down key elements of standard home insurance policies in Vaughan to provide clarity on what’s typically covered and what’s not.

Dwelling protection covers the physical structure

A standard home insurance policy will provide coverage for your dwelling, meaning the physical structure of your home. Dwelling coverage insures exterior components like the roof, walls, windows, and foundation. It also covers interior components like flooring, built-in appliances, electrical and plumbing systems.

Damage from common hazards like firelightning, windstorms, hail, and vandalism is typically covered under dwelling protection. Most policies also cover damage from winter weather like ice dams and snow load collapses. Falling objects, like trees, are another covered dwelling peril.

Standard dwelling coverage generally ranges from $100,000 to $1 million or more, depending on your home’s value. Rebuilding costs up to the policy limits are covered for any applicable damages.

Detached structures have limited coverage

In addition to the main dwelling, standard home insurance also covers detached structures on your property like garages, sheds, and fences. The same hazards covered under dwelling protection generally apply to detached structures, as well.

Most providers include 10-20% of the dwelling coverage limit for detached structures. So if you have $500,000 in dwelling coverage, you may have $50,000-$100,000 to cover damaged garages or tool sheds.

Personal belongings are also protected

Your home’s contents like furniture, clothing, electronics, and other personal possessions are covered under personal property protection in a standard policy. Theft and vandalism are commonly covered perils for your belongings. Most policies also cover personal property damaged by other dwelling hazards like fire and storms.

Standard limits for personal property coverage range from 50-75% of the dwelling amount, generally $50,000-$200,000 or more. Those with higher-value possessions may need extra coverage.

Additional living expenses cover extra costs
If your home is damaged and uninhabitable for a period of time, Additional Living Expense (ALE) coverage can help pay temporary housing costs. This includes expenses like hotels, restaurant meals and laundry services while displaced. ALE coverage also pays for storage units and other costs beyond your normal living expenses.

Common ALE limits ranging from 10-30% of dwelling coverage apply, typically $10,000-$30,000. Review if this would cover a hotel stay in your area for several months if needed.

Liability protection for accidents
Standard home insurance also provides liability coverage in case someone is injured on your property and you are legally responsible. This protects you from costs related to bodily injury lawsuits, legal defense, and any awarded damages.

Minimum liability limits are often $100,000, but more coverage like $300,000-$500,000 is recommended for greater protection from lawsuits.

What’s typically not covered
While home insurance policies provide robust protection, some common exclusions apply. Regular home maintenance and repairs for damage due to normal wear and tear is generally excluded. Cosmetic damage like dents, scratches and stains is also not covered.

And damage from floods, earthquakes, landslides and other earth movements is excluded under standard dwelling policies. These require add-on coverage.

Optional add-ons offer more protection

Several endorsements and add-ons can expand your home insurance coverage for greater protection:

The specific covered perils, exclusions, and available add-ons depend on your policy. Discuss your needs with an isure broker when shopping for home insurance in Vaughan. Consider your home’s age and building materials, your possessions’ value, and potential risks in your area. We can help compare multiple providers to find the right policy.

Why Choose isure For Vaughan Home Insurance?

With decades of combined experience, our advisors provide trusted advice tailored to your unique situation. We go above and beyond to build relationships and make your insurance experience as hassle-free as possible. Our key advantages:

– Access to 25+ top insurers provides optimal rates
– Simplified purchasing and convenient online policy management
– Proactive optimization identifying savings opportunities
– Insurance education resources promote literacy
– Available 24/7 for exceptional claims support
– Personalized advice based on deep experience

We also hold partnerships and affiliations with key industry associations to ensure we follow best practices and regulations. Our award-winning company has earned recognition for customer experience and corporate culture.

Not sure where and how to start?

isure experts are here to HELP you.


Home Insuranceinews
electrical damage - On fire multi-socket with the connected power strip with a bunch of plugs on wood background
Electrical Damage: Is it Covered by Your Policy?

Electrical Damage: Is it Covered by Your Policy?

Most home insurance policies in Ontario may cover electrical damage, but only to a certain extent. Each policy and provider is different. However, there are some instances in which electrical damage would be covered. So, in this article, let’s break down the cases in which home insurance would cover electrical damage.